The Terms of Release

Free The Terms of Release by BA Tortuga

Book: The Terms of Release by BA Tortuga Read Free Book Online
Authors: BA Tortuga
closer and put an arm around the man. He’d moved a little fast there before dinner, and he knew it, but damn. He hadn’t been lying. He’d wanted Sage so bad it hurt. Seeing the man with his shirt off had been a revelation. Tiny, but stocky, without so much as an ounce of fat—Sage was like a little wet dream. His tanned skin stretched over compact muscles, his nipples a much darker brown than Win would have expected from a blond-haired, blue-eyed cowboy. Sage’s cock was a dream, too, not too long, but nice and thick….
    Was he drooling?
    “Adam?” Sage’s voice was like a touch. “Can I ask you something?”
    He turned, meeting those pretty blue eyes with his. “Sure, man. Shoot.”
    “What happens next?” Sage winced, but held his gaze. “I’ve never done this before, and I want to do the right thing.”
    Oh, man. He paused, wanting the words to come out right. “Well, I don’t want to push you, but I want to see you again. I want to touch you some more.” That was the simple answer.
    “You’re not worried you’ll get in trouble?”
    “Nope.” Shrugging, he spread his hands. “I mean, no more than I am already. My mom is the only one I give a damn about in my family.”
    “Okay. I think….” Sage swallowed hard. “I think I ought to get to touch you too.”
    Win thought that maybe that took a shitload of courage from Sage.
    “You can touch me all you want, honey.” He said it like he meant it, serious as anything.
    “I’m gonna lock the door so my folks don’t come in.”
    So practical. Win watched Sage move around, locking up and turning off some of the lights. He felt like he was some kind of hawk or something, perched on a branch and waiting for his prey to come back in range.
    All the trash was gathered, carefully disposed of, leaving the house in its perfect state. Sage was neater than anyone Win had ever met. The place was spotless, save for the muddy boots sitting inside the front door.
    It was a little unnatural, but whatever. It was better than the barracks, better than his rental with its chaos of dropped clothes and giant dust bunnies. He sat back, giving his cock a little more room in the soft shorts Sage had given him.
    Sage groaned, eyes on his belly. “You’re something.”
    “Am I?” He sucked it in a little, needing that admiration some. It had been a long time since he’d been with someone behind a locked door. Not just a quick suck in a Dallas bar.
    “Uh-huh.” Sage sat. “I ain’t much on pretty words or nothin’, but you got it going on.”
    “Thanks.” A chuckle escaped him, and he patted the couch next to him. “Come on and touch.”
    Sage sat, damn near vibrating.
    “You’re too far away, man.” Win held out a hand, hoping Sage would reach for him too.
    “I am.” Sage scooted closer, and then one hand brushed over his thigh.
    Win actually jumped, the touch weirdly electric. He almost felt guilty at how inexperienced Sage clearly was, like he was taking advantage. However, Sage was damned near thirty and knew how to say no.
    Hell, the man’d been to prison. Who knew how experienced he was? Okay, whoa. That was a sick thought. Win stamped it out, not wanting anything to wilt. This was nothing like a prison experience. This was pure want.
    “You want me to stop, just say so.” Sage’s fingers danced their way up his thigh.
    “Oh, I can’t imagine wanting that.” Win knew this was exactly what he needed. Stopping wasn’t much of an option.
    “No. No, I ain’t wanting to stop. Not now.” The tips of Sage’s callused fingers brushed his inner thigh, barely nudged his sac.
    “Good.” He lifted up, letting Sage have more access. He wanted to strip the shorts off, but he didn’t want to be too… what? Was it okay to say forward when a man was touching your balls?
    The deep, low groan sounded so good, made his cock fill even faster. God, it was fucking heady, to be wanted like this. His belly tightened, his chest rising and falling. He wanted

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