Children Reason

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Book: Children Reason by JIN Read Free Book Online
Authors: JIN
Therefore, to protect ourselves, we cannot say it immediately"
    As I heard what Kido said I lifted my head.
    She didn’t look sad, just that her eyes had no darkness, as if there was a strong awareness in it.
    "T-that’s also right. Also something that I don’t know. That also….. yea."
    That’s right. After knowing about their matters, what can I even do. That’s right, that’s the reason why I stopped my question half way.
    Why am I interested in listening to this?
    What can I even do?
    That “incident” Hibiya was involved, according to him it might cause death.
    Perhaps even the cops cannot solve it.
    Hibiya will awaken his power like Kido and the others do, while Kido and the others will protect that power and help him.
    What else can I do anyway?
    Is it really okay to just ask.
    If I don’t ask anything here, tomorrow morning I’ll just go back home like nothing happened, and just get back to my own usual life, perhaps there’s also that kind of choice.
    That’s right, this has nothing to do with me. I’m……….

    That moment, I had a chill on my spine. My heart ached as if it was grabbed by something, and my forehead slowly oozed cold sweat.
    "Shintaro? Oi, are you okay. You don’t look well to me…….."
    "Ah, ahh. no no nothing. I’m okay. sorry"
    "…… I see. Perhaps you’re tired too. Let’s continue tomorrow okay?"
    Tomorrow, will I still be here tomorrow. Ene even said “Let’s go home” earlier. Perhaps no, but she might be worried about me.
    However, but…………….
    "……….. no, a little is also fine, tell me then."
    If I go back to that room again, what can I even do too.
    Maybe, it was because I don’t want to leave these guys. Maybe I was afraid to be alone again.
    "I understand. I’ll say it then. This is how I got my power"
    Kido, as if understood something, she smiled again, and blinked her eyes, to make her eyes red.
    "Eye concealing power….. that’s what Kano called, it’s basically to reduce the existence of myself and my surroundings"
    While saying, Kido took a magazine from the side of the table. Kido handed it towards me, the magazine started to become transparent from  its edges, and eventually disappeared without a single trace.
    As I stared at it, once again I understood that it is an incredible power. It’s reasonable that Kido couldn’t tell it straight forwardly.
    This power,  if it is known by the public, it’d be busy for the media for days. Eventually she’ll be brought to some research center or whatever, and perhaps might be the worst ending ever.
    "Before getting ‘this’, I also had parents. Although I don’t have any blood relation with my mother. My father was a cruel person. Because he was a womanizer his company bankrupted. Before he died he even burnt the whole house."
    "W-what the heck………"
    It was really extreme to hear Kido’s past within only a few seconds. However Kido didn’t look like she’s in a pain because of these memories, she was just like “yeah that happened before”, saying so calmly as if she was talking about her elementary school memories.
    "Hahah. Cruel story right? However, the real topic begins here"
    "Oh, oh………"
    "When my father set fire, my family and I were all in the house. In the end me and my sister couldn’t escape the house"
    "T-that’ll cause death……"
    To be honest I was quite scared when I listened to her, Kido kinda  realized that, she made a slightly nasty smirk and continued.
    "Ahh, of course I died. Bit by bit I couldn’t breathe, even my body was burning"
    "And then, that moment I saw it. The wall twisted and separated, LIKE A BIG MOUTH WITH SHARP TEETH WIDELY OPENED!!"
    Kido excitedly said as if she was telling a precious horror story.
    And perhaps it was a good timing, she successfully picked up my fearful heart.
    Being freaked out by this person who showed embarrassing poses in the haunted

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