Children Reason

Free Children Reason by JIN

Book: Children Reason by JIN Read Free Book Online
Authors: JIN
with a happy face on her.
    …………. wait a sec. whattheheck are we doing. are they children. or is it Kido  remarkably looked like a “mother”.
    seriously, I don’t know when did this totally felt like a sleepover at some friend’s house.
    This morning I even frowned and said  those Mekakushidan people “Who are these people? So suspicious”, but after only a day I can already get along with them.
    Even me who hadn’t been talking to someone for a while, can even get along with them easily, these people can be really friendly at this kind of standard.
    "She even eating in her dream wow that’s really lil sis…… but speaking of it she immediately slept just after her meal, whatisthemeaningofthis master"
    "Just ignore her. I think she’ll become some sort of cow?"
    Maybe because she was pretty tired, after finishing her meal Momo slept just within a few minutes.
    "She was even so angry when she was called fat, what’s wrong with this kid here………"
    I’m afraid that she herself had completely forgotten  that. It’s  been a while since the moment she noticed that even if to think “I haven’t even marry yet you’re too exaggerating…….”, it’s still useless.
    "Ah, it isn’t that bad. Perhaps she’s too tired. Hey Kisaragi, wake up. If you wanna sleep come to my room."
    After washing the dishes Kido took off her apron that had a “ 技 ” in front which gave a carpenter feel, and walked towards towards Momo.
    She gently knocked Momo’s face, but Momo only said “Ehh~, surprisingly still can eat…….”, and continued her happy feast in her dream.
    "Ah~ sorry. Once this girl sleeps she’ll never wake up till the day comes. Just ignore her she’ll be okay"
    "Still it isn’t good. No choice I have to carry her…. Hmm!?"
    Just when Kido wanted to carry Momo, her expression slightly twisted as she didn’t expect something.
    "S-surprisingly…… much from Kisaragi…….!"
    Kido tried to carry Momo, but compared to how she can easily carry Hibiya, her breathe became rapid.
    Speaking of that I once read Momo’s profile that was uploaded in the idol dictionary, there wrote her “weight” which couldn’t refrain me from laughing at the moment.
      Seeing how Kido breathlessly carried Momo and moved forward, this time it was Konoha on the sofa snoring.
    This dude is pretty unbelievable. From his dumbfounded look, it’s really hard to understand what is he thinking.
    He’s now in someone’s house who he met for the first time yet he take no caution, and just slept soundly like that.
    ………………….. pretty much like a child who immediately grew big.
    From Hibiya’s behaviour, these two people seemed to be involved in some complicated “incident”.
    No, not just these people, Ene too, Mekakushidan too, have something happened to them that was unexplained too.
    I kinda forgot about it, but when I looked at Ene’s face back then I remembered, that this girl might also had something that happened in her past. Even hiding such a special identity, it is pretty incredible.
    "Just before I came here, what on earth happened to this girl" Not  that I’ve never considered things like that, but even if I question her, she’ll just hesitatingly fudge over it.
    Suddenly, when I slowly looked at my phone screen, Ene who couldn’t know my thoughts, was excitingly preparing a blanket.
    "………………………What are you doing" 
    "Eh? what I’m preparing to sleep"
    "Ah, aahh I see"
    I remembered Ene once boasted saying “I am highly powered so I’ve no problem even if I don’t sleep at all!”…………………
    Fine, if I insult her it’d be troublesome, it’s best to just ignore her.
    "Huu, sorry for waiting"
    Along the closing sound of the door, Kido said while turning her shoulders.
    "Speaking of it, it’ll be better if she can slightly reduce her appetite."
    "Haha, I’m really sorry. for disturbing you all these days"
    "No, it’s all our doings. Please don’t

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