Quest for the Sun Gem

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Book: Quest for the Sun Gem by Belinda Murrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belinda Murrell
clothes,’ announced Lily. ‘Probably yours are best, Ethan. Mine would be a bit small for her. Anyway, no-one will notice her dressed as a boy. We can cut her hair short.’
    Princess Roana bit her lip but sat up straight in the sidesaddle, her muddy skirts flowing over Moonbeam’s flanks.
    Saxon grinned. ‘I don’t fancy trying to drag her all the way back to the cave, and we can’t leave her here in the middle of the forest.’
    Ethan scowled furiously.
    ‘Oh, all right then,’ he agreed finally. ‘But just one of your fancy airs and we’re leaving you behind. Understand? And no more “Princess” or “your highness” any more. From now on you are plain Roana – a grubby village lad like us.’
    ‘Perhaps Rowan would be more appropriate than Roana,’ Lily giggled.
    Saxon helped Roana down from Moonbeam.
    Ethan unpacked a white shirt, brown breechesand green cloak from his pack. Lily helped the princess limp behind a bush to change, then, grasping Roana’s tangled gold ringlets with one hand, Lily hacked them off with her dagger.
    Roana winced, her eyes shining bright with tears, but she said nothing. A few minutes later the proud princess was gone, and in her place stood a young boy with wild, tousled hair sticking up on end, and a mischievous grin. He twirled around on tiptoe, showing off his oversized cloak and swaggering in baggy breeches.
    The only problem was the boots. There were no spares, and Roana’s were long and white with high heels.
    Ethan and Saxon could not help but laugh. ‘You look terrible,’ crowed Saxon. ‘A wilder lad I never saw. Especially with those boots.’
    The mangled hair was tossed under a bush, to be joyfully discovered later by various birds to line their nests. The silken gown, layered petticoats, white gloves, pale stockings and silver crown were stowed in the saddle bags in case they proved useful later. And the convoy of adventurers set off again, riding into the night.

A few hours later, the four rode in total weariness, swaying in their saddles. The thick blackness of night had given away to the grey gloom before dawn. Aisha trotted at their heels, no longer sniffing at rabbit holes or animal tracks, but keeping up a steady pace.
    ‘We should rest for a while before it gets too light,’ called Saxon. ‘It will do us no good to be completely exhausted. We will need all our wits and our strength.’
    The others nodded wearily. ‘I think I can hear a stream nearby,’ replied Ethan. ‘It would be good to rest near water so we can drink and bathe.’
    The stream was a few minutes ahead. They forged the horses up the stream away from the path until they found a small clearing.
    Saxon, Lily and Ethan slid off their horses and led them to the stream to drink. Then they undid the girth buckles, lifted the saddles off and dumped them on the ground. Ethan was just about to pull up some long grass to rub the sweat from his horse’s bay flanks when he realised that Roana was still sitting up on Moonbeam’s back in her sidesaddle.
    ‘Well, your highness , are you waiting for the royal grooms to come along and hand you down? Or are you waiting for your maid servants to lay down a rug for your delicate royal feet?’ Ethan asked sarcastically.
    Roana flushed. ‘No, I am not,’ she flashed. ‘It is just … it is just that my ankle is still rather sore and it is quite a long drop down, and …’
    Ethan scowled. Saxon dropped his saddle blanket and went over to help lift Roana to the ground. Roana muttered a low thanks and hobbled over to the stream to water her horse.
    A moment later she had her head under the saddle flap, struggling with the buckles. Roana’s slim white fingers were slick with sweat and grime. The buckles refused to budge.
    Lily finished rubbing down Nutmeg and tethered her securely, then came over to Roana. Her strong arms easily hefted the girth buckles undone. She showed Roana how to secure the stirrup leathers and girth, lift the saddle off and

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