Wayward Son

Free Wayward Son by Shae Connor

Book: Wayward Son by Shae Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shae Connor
He concentrated on breathing. Once again, without Cory and Jimmy’s joint attention focused on driving him out of his mind, he was able to gather himself to the point that he could at least get out of the restaurant in one piece.
    He would not think about the car ride home.
    J IMMY HAD driven them to the restaurant, but as if they’d planned it—which Mikey supposed they had—Cory took the driver’s seat on the way home. He soon found out why, when Jimmy took Mikey’s hand and pulled him into the backseat.
    “Fuck seat belt laws,” he growled as he manhandled Mikey into his lap, back to Jimmy’s chest. “My arms will just have to do.”
    Except he didn’t just wrap his arms around Mikey and hang on. Sure, he anchored one arm around Mikey’s waist, but that was probably just to keep him from sliding onto the floor, because Jimmy let his other hand wander everywhere. He skimmed his fingers over Mikey’s nipples, tweaking and rubbing, then down his body to brush over Mikey’s crotch. Jimmy lifted his knees between Mikey’s legs and used the leverage to splay Mikey’s thighs wide open, giving him more room to explore. He kept his touch light but ran his fingers deeper, sweeping them over Mikey’s balls and even farther back, until he pressed against Mikey’s hole through the cotton fabric of Mikey’s pants.
    “Want in here,” Jimmy muttered against Mikey’s neck, where he nipped at Mikey’s skin. Mikey stiffened, but Jimmy kept talking. “Want you ready for it, ready for me, begging to feel me deep inside.”
    Oh, holy shit . Mikey was almost ready to beg right then for something, anything . Jimmy never stopped moving his hands, touching and teasing but never long enough or hard enough to get Mikey off. Some dim recess of his mind knew that might end up messier than it was worth anyway, but he didn’t much care.
    “Jesus fuck, you two are hot,” Cory said. “I swear to God, I’m about to drive off the fucking road trying to watch in the rearview.”
    “Wait your turn,” Jimmy shot back before pulling back the collar of Mikey’s shirt to lick his collarbone. “You told me all about what you two got up to on the phone the other night. I’ve got some catching up to do.”
    The memory of their aural sex flooded Mikey’s mind, and he moaned, the sound loud in the close space of the car. Jimmy’s laugh was wicked. “Oh, I think he liked that reminder.” He closed his hand around Mikey’s cock, or as much of it as he could with Mikey still dressed. “Did you have fun? Telling Cory all about what you were doing to yourself? Knowing he could hear every little moan and gasp? You like someone listening in on you?”
    Jimmy squeezed, and Mikey choked out a gasping “Yes!” He couldn’t say any more, too lost in a haze of arousal, but Jimmy just hummed and lightened his touch.
    “I’m not gonna get you off now, baby,” he murmured. “I want you to go home and think about this. Think about me touching you. Think about Cory listening while you touch yourself. And then this weekend, after Cory’s show, we’re gonna take you back to his place and let you tell us exactly what you want us to do to you. And then we’re gonna do it.”
    Mikey jerked, so close to coming he could taste it, but Jimmy moved his hand away, and the feeling ebbed to a deep throb.
    Jimmy kissed him again, on his cheek this time. “You rest up, honey, and go to school like a good boy.” The car was coming to a stop, Mikey realized. “And when we see you again, we’ll give you anything your horny little heart desires.”
    Cory pulled the car up to the curb in front of Riley’s building, and Jimmy helped Mikey out. Mikey’s head spun, and part of him was trying not to be disappointed they hadn’t taken him to bed tonight, but he did get it on some level. Jimmy smiled up at him, soft and open, and Mikey melted in an entirely different way from how Jimmy’s touch had left him feeling.
    “Take care, baby,” Jimmy

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