SVH12-When Love Dies

Free SVH12-When Love Dies by Francine Pascal

Book: SVH12-When Love Dies by Francine Pascal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francine Pascal
no matter how much she regretted making it.
    "Elizabeth Wakefield, you haven't heard a
    single word I've said!" Jessica's scolding tone broke through her dazed thoughts.
    "Huh?" Elizabeth glanced over at her sister. "Sorry, Jess. I guess I had my mind on other stuff."
    "What could be more important than this?" Jessica demanded petulantly. "The biggest celebrity in Sweet Valley is actually interested in me! Isn't that just the most fantastic thing you've ever heard?"
    Elizabeth had forgotten all about Jeremy Frank. "Oh, that. Sure. I'm really happy for you."
    "You don't sound as if you are. What's with you anyway? Ever since we left the hospital you've been acting like you're hypnotized or something. What gives?"
    "Nothing," Elizabeth lied. There was no use dragging Jessica into this. Besides, Jessica was never any good at keeping secrets.
    "You're not still mad at me because I fixed Steve up with Cara, are you?" Jessica asked.
    Elizabeth sighed. "I just think you should have stayed out of it, that's all."
    "It was for Steve's own good," Jessica insisted. "He was too stubborn to make a move, so I just gave him a little nudge."
    "More like a big shove," Elizabeth said.
    "Well, it worked, didn't it? He's forgotten all about Tricia now that he's got Cara."
    Elizabeth frowned as she turned into their driveway. A tiny worm of fear uncurled inside
    her stomach. Could Jessica be right? Was Steven really getting interested in Cara? It didn't seem possible, but then Steven had been terribly hurt. He was an easy mark for a rebound relationship. All she could do was pray that Jessica was wrong.
    The next week was .misery for Elizabeth. In school she could hardly concentrate on what the teachers were saying. Homework was a total washout. Whenever she opened a book, all she could see was Tricia's sad, brave face. She kept hearing her voice: "Promise me you won't tell Steve."
    But that promise was tearing her apart. How could she just stand by and do nothing while two people she cared about were suffering? Every instinct told Elizabeth that Tricia and Steven's breakup was wrong, yet she hated the idea of going back on a promise. It was Tricia's decision, after all. Did she have the right to interfere?
    Making matters worse was the rumor that had been going around that Tricia had a new boyfriend. Elizabeth knew it wasn't true, but apparently there were a lot of people who believed it. On Friday Elizabeth was on her way to her locker between classes when she was accosted by Caroline Pearce, one of the biggest gossips in school.
    "I saw you talking to Tricia Martin out on the
    lawn last week," she said, her sharp eyes a contrast to the preppy primness of her neat red hair and plaid shirtwaist. "Did she say anything about her new boyfriend?"
    "I don't know what you're talking about," Elizabeth muttered, trying to brush past her. But Caroline hung doggedly beside her.
    "She probably just didn't want to tell you because of Steven. Lila said he looked older, so maybe he's a friend of Steven's. Hey, wouldn't that be something!"
    Elizabeth turned to give Caroline a cold look. "It's all a bunch of dumb gossip," she said.
    "Blame it on Lila," Caroline said with a shrug. "She's the one who started it. She said she saw them together."
    "I don't believe it."
    Caroline sniffed haughtily. "I don't see why not. Tricia's a Martin, after all. I wouldn't put anything past a Martin--including going out with her boyfriend's friend behind his back."
    This was too much for Elizabeth. Bristling, she confronted Caroline. "For someone who talks a lot, you don't know very much!" she snapped, leaving Caroline to gape after her in openmouthed astonishment as she stalked off.
    Despite her burning cheeks and the tears that stung her eyes, Elizabeth felt good to have finally told Caroline off after all the times she'd had to listen to her snobbish remarks. The trouble was, Caroline wasn't the only one who was
    prejudiced against Tricia because of her family. Look at the way

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