Frisky Business

Free Frisky Business by Tawna Fenske

Book: Frisky Business by Tawna Fenske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawna Fenske
belly and decided to squelch it fast. “Hold the tape right there for a sec.” She jotted the numbers in her notebook before walking back toward Will, winding up the tape as she went. “Thanks for your help.”
    “Don’t mention it. I’m sure Bed will be pleased with your frames and ribbons and whatnot.”
    “I hope so,” Marley said. “It’s my first event for this job. I really want it to go well.”
    “It’ll go well. They always do.”
    “You sound pretty sure of yourself.”
    “I always am.”
    He smiled, and Marley felt her insides turn to a melted pool of chocolate. Will’s mismatched eyes were intent on her face, his smile warm and knowing. Neither of them spoke for a moment, and Marley wasn’t even sure she blinked. She felt his fingers brush hers, and she looked down to see they were both still gripping the tape measure.
    “Thank you,” she said again, and pulled her hand back. She tucked it into her purse right as Bed huffed back into the room.
    “Damn caterer doesn’t know a canapé from a crudité.”
    “It’s so hard to find good help, isn’t it?” Marley asked.
    “Hmmph,” said Bed.
    “I think we’re all set here. The ribbons are going to look beautiful, and I think you’ll be pleased with the color-coordinated frames on the bunny photos. That was a great idea you had.”
    “Damn straight,” Bed said. “Next time, though, I want the mauve bunnies.”
    “We’ll see what we can do,” Marley said, and prayed there wouldn’t be a next time.
    “I assume your car is back at Cheez Whiz?” Will asked as he headed toward the wildlife sanctuary.
    “It is, thanks. I’ll need to grab it so I can go shopping for frames and ribbons and things before I head back to Bed’s to decorate.”
    “The craft store on Northeast Third will have the best selection of ribbons.” He looked at her. “I’m a little embarrassed those words just came out of my mouth.”
    Marley laughed as Will turned into the parking area. “Thanks again for taking me out there. I never could have found it on my own.”
    “No sweat. So I’ll see you at the party tonight?”
    Marley nodded as she opened the car door and hopped out. “I’m looking forward to the badgers.”
    “Bet you never thought you’d say that about a charity function.”
    Marley grinned and bent down to peer through the window. Will caught a glimpse down the front of her blouse and felt all the blood leave his brain.
    “Thanks again, Will,” she said. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
    He drove away feeling downright cheerful about that. Then he kicked himself. Hard.
    As the chairman of the board overseeing Cheez Whiz’s financials, Will knew he should be impressed their new fund-raising expert was adept at the sort of sweet talk that made donors open their wallets. Marley had done her job well, schmoozing Bed with promises of ribbons and Photoshopped bunnies. She’d even given Bed credit for the idea.
    All things that should impress you, idiot.
    But as a guy who’d spent four years married to a woman who’d spent longer than that pretending to be something she wasn’t, Will was on edge about Marley’s dual personality. Her willingness to tell people whatever they wanted to hear.
    She’d flat-out admitted she didn’t know if she could deliver the stupid ribbons, the floral arrangements, and the Photoshopped bunnies.
    That’s a good thing, dumbass. Pictures of mauve bunnies would be ridiculous.
    That was true, but he’d watched Marley stand there and say she’d make it happen, knowing full well the Photoshopped bunnies wouldn’t become a reality. It was enough to give Will a tense feeling in his shoulders.
    Or maybe it was just his worry about Aunt Nancy’s donation to Cheez Whiz. The stone figurines —come on, they were rock dildos—had been his aunt’s pride and joy since her late husband bought them for her at an auction of Pacific Northwest artifacts. She was certain they were worth an insane amount of money.

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