
Free Pretend by Sharlay

Book: Pretend by Sharlay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharlay
Tags: General Fiction
"Second word....And!" Aiden shouted as I pretended to ignore him.
                  "Third word...The!" Grandma shouted. I smiled over at Aiden, letting him know that he hadn't won yet.
                  I began to act out my fourth word when suddenly Aiden jumped out of his seat.
                  "Alvin and the Chipmunks!" He roared as my face told him that he was right.
                  " Wohhh that's my boy!" Bob shouted as he ruffled his hand through Aiden's hair.
                  "See that? Men ’s team   comes out on top!" Uncle Harry said as the three of them ran around the room, singing songs and doing happy dances. We all began laughing.
                  As Aiden passed me, he whispered something   in my ear   whilst everyone else was laughing and talking.
                  "I told you that this was my game, I never lose something that I want to win," he said with a smirk on his lips.
                  "Did I ever mention how modest you are?" I said as I hit him playfully in the arm.
                  I suddenly heard Gramps trying to talk over the noise that we were all making.
                  " Ssssh !" I shouted to the others.
                  When the room became silent I went and knelt down next to Gramps, placing my hand gently on top of his.
                  "Sorry Gramps I didn't hear what you said," I   told him   in a gentle voice.
                  "Well it would be a miracle to hear anything over this racket that you're making, Kelsey," he exclaimed, making us all giggle.
                  "I was just saying that I can't believe that Aiden has turned into such a handsome young man," he said before turning back to   face the TV. All of our laughs suddenly turned into a distant memory as we stood in utter shock and disbelief.
                  "Well ain't that something, he never remembers anyone outside of the family and he forgets us, most of the time," Uncle Harry said as he patted Aiden on the back.
                  Suddenly Tilly came running in and jumped on Aiden as she tried to lick his face. She seemed to like him too.
                  "I see you have another fan," my mom said as she smiled at Aiden. He smiled back and then turned back to face me.
                  "Well he must be special," Grandma said as she stared at a very surprised looking Aiden.
                  As   he stood there, staring at only me as I crouched down beside Gramps, I looked back up at him.
                  "Yes, he is," I   finally answered   with a smile on my face.

    "Thanks," I said as Aiden held the car door open for me.
    I watched as he walked around to the driver ’ s side with a permanent smile spread across his face. As he opened the car door, I wanted to know why.
                  "What are you smiling at?" I asked.
                  "Oh nothing," he replied as he started up the engine.
                  "Aiden Daniels, how long have you known me for?"
                  "A hell of a long time," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road but smiling at all times.
                  "Ok and in   that 'hell of long time', have you not yet realised that an answer like that won't suffice?"
                  He let out a small laugh but continued to   keep his eyes fixated on the road ahead.
                  "Exactly, s o once again, what are you smiling at?" I asked, now with a smile on my face too.
                  "Well, I won charades, didn't I," he said as he burst out laughing.
                  "Oh my gosh , you're still happy about that? You just got lucky," I replied as I kept my eyes on him.
                  "I don't get lucky, I told you," he said as he threw me another

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