Protecting Melody

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Book: Protecting Melody by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
he would. He’s that good. Please know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want.”  
    Melody took Wolf’s hand in hers and shook it. “Thanks, but I go where Tex goes.”  
    Wolf nodded as if he expected the answer. “I’m gonna say this quickly because if I know my wife, she’ll be out here before not too much longer. You have my protection, Melody. You have my team’s protection. Whatever you need, you’ve got it. Tex is a good man, he’ll keep you safe, but if you need us, if Tex needs us, we’re there. Understand?”  
    Melody could only nod. No words would come out. Yesterday she’d been alone. Today she had a whole team of bad-ass SEALs at her back. It was hard to wrap her mind around.  
    At her side, Baby growled low. Melody realized Wolf still held her hand in his. She quickly dropped it and Baby moved in front of her, pushing Wolf back.  
    “Nice guard dog you got there.”  
    “She’s not a guard dog.”  
    “Maybe not for anyone else, but she did the same thing when Tex was here before and Ice rushed him to give him a hug.”  
    Melody turned to Tex. “Really?”  
    “Yeah, really.”  
    Melody crouched down in front of Baby and whispered, “Good girl.”  
    The men above her just laughed.  
    “Come on, Mel, let’s get this over with.”  
    Wolf laughed at the mock resignation in Tex’s voice.  
    Tex held out a hand to Mel and helped her up. He put his arm around her waist and they followed Wolf into the house.  
    Melody could tell Tex was tired, because he was limping more than she’d noticed since meeting him. She remembered him telling her in one of their online conversations that when he overdid it, his limp would become more pronounced.  
    Before she could say anything, they entered a living room full of people.  
    “Tex is here!” One woman shouted and stood up quickly, and everyone in the room followed suit.  
    “Easy, Baby,” Melody heard Tex say beside her. She looked down to see the scruff on the back of her dog’s neck standing on end.  
    “You have to be Melody,” another woman said a tad more calmly. “I’m Summer. I’m sure Tex has probably told you about all of us, but instead of using all their real names, he’s probably only used their nicknames.” She rolled her eyes and Melody smirked.  
    “Okay, so you met Wolf at the door.” She pointed to each of the other men in the room and introduced them in succession. “Abe, Mozart, Dude, Benny, and Cookie.”  
    “Wow, Summer, I’m impressed you know our nicknames,” Cookie joked with her.  
    “Shut up, Hunter. Of course I know your nicknames. It’s not like you guys will stop using them.”  
    Melody just watched the by-play between everyone with amusement. She knew if she spent more time with this group of people she’d probably love them. They reminded her of her and Amy. A little goofy, a lot sarcastic, and funny to boot.  
    “Hi,” Melody said shyly.  
    “Come sit over here by us. We can’t wait to get to know you better!”  
    Melody looked away from Summer, and turned to Tex. Before she could say anything, Tex leaned down to her to whisper into her ear. “It’s okay, Mel. I’ll be in the other room with the guys if you need me.”  
    Melody nodded. “Okay.”  
    Before she knew it, she was sitting in the middle of the six other women, Baby at her feet, laughing at the stories they shared about their men. Through the stories the women told, Melody could hear the love that came through. These women adored their men, and it was one hundred percent reciprocal.  
    “So Melody, tell us about Tex.” It was Fiona that asked.  
    “What about him?”  
    “How’d you guys meet?”  
    “Well, I just met him face-to-face today.”  
    “Wow! That’s kinda cool! We just met him in person this morning. Well, Caroline had met him before, but not the rest of us,” Jessyka shared. “Isn’t he the best ?”  
    Melody smiled at the affection in Jessyka’s voice.

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