Protecting Melody

Free Protecting Melody by Susan Stoker

Book: Protecting Melody by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
truck over to the side of the road and put it in park. Tex turned sideways in the seat and reached his hand out to Melody. He put it on the side of her head and held her eyes.  
    “I’d love to tell you that it’ll never happen, Mel. But, unfortunately, I know more than anyone, that it can. I’ll do everything possible to keep you safe, but sometimes it’s not enough. So yes, if you want, I’ll give you a tracker so if your stalker kidnaps you, I can find you. Whatever happens, don’t you give up. If he finds you and takes you from me, do not egg this asshole on. Don’t give him a reason to hurt or kill you. No matter what happens, we can get through it. Just remember that I’ll be coming after you and I’ll track you down. And I will, Mel. I will find you, you just have to give me the time to do it. Okay?”  
    Melody nodded. She knew asking to be tracked was weak, but she felt weak at the moment. Just him saying the words made her feel better. Made her feel more secure knowing someone, other than her stalker, would know where she was at all times. Someone she trusted. And she trusted Tex. She’d gotten to know him over the last six months they’d talked online. Hell, she knew him better than some of the people she’d grown up and went to school with. She knew him and, more importantly, she trusted him.  
    “Thank you for being honest with me. I know he’s going to find me and it’s just a matter of time before he catches up with me. Thank you for not pretending he won’t. I swear, I won’t give up. If he gets me, I’ll hang on and wait for you to get to me.”  
    Not addressing her pessimistic attitude, knowing there was a distinct possibility that she could get taken by her stalker, Tex said instead, “You’re welcome. You okay? You need to stop? You hungry?”  
    Melody shook her head. “I’m okay. Even though they’ll intimidate the hell out of me, I’m looking forward to meeting your friends.”  
    “Don’t feel intimidated, Mel. They’re just like you. The women are strong and kick-ass and don’t take any crap from their men. And my friends, they’ll take one look at you and you’ll be firmly in their ‘you must be protected’ camp.”  
    “I’m not strong, Tex.”  
    “The hell you aren’t.”  
    “I think I’m glad you see me that way.”  
    “You’ll see yourself that way too. Promise.”  
    “Okay.” Tex pulled Melody closer to him, ignoring the grunt of disapproval coming from Baby who was being mushed between them, and kissed her cheek. He pulled back and nodded at Mel. “Strong and kick-ass, Mel.”  
    Tex then put the truck back in drive and pulled back onto the highway.  
    * * *  
    Melody tried, she did, but she was really nervous about meeting Tex’s friends. The women all sounded awesome, and the men just plain freaked her out. She wasn’t really ready for this, but she knew these people were as close to family as Tex had and she wanted to make a good impression.  
    “I’m okay.”  
    “They’re going to love you.”  
    Melody could only nod as Tex got out of the truck and walked around to her side. He helped her out and Baby jumped down after her. Melody held the leash tightly as Tex reached for her hand. Melody jumped at the chance to grab hold.  
    They walked up to the house and the door opened as they reached it. A large man stood there and Melody could hear the voices of many others behind him. He stepped forward and mostly closed the door behind him.  
    “Tex. Melody. Glad you made it back so soon.”  
    “Wolf.” Tex gave him a chin lift. “Are they all in there?”  
    “Every last one.”  
    Tex smiled at that. Of course everyone was here. “It okay if we stay here tonight?”  
    “Hell, Tex, as if Caroline would let you stay anywhere else.” Wolf turned to Melody and held out his hand. “Melody, I’m Wolf. It’s great to meet you. I’m glad Tex found you, but I had no doubt that

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