Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1)

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Book: Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1) by Kira Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Johns
Tags: Romance, lost love, stripper, MC, gritty, Biker, dark, true love
stop doing this and get the old Alana back, that is if there is anything left of her inside me.

Chapter 10

    I pull into the parking lot of Body Shots, my eyes locked on the tight ass of the girl that has just exited the front door. Damn, she’s got a hot body , I think to myself as I climb off my Harley and head towards the entrance.
    Stepping inside, the music is blaring and a very flexible redhead is working the pole. “Alright, we’ve seen enough,” Deuce calls out, the music dying instantly.
    The redhead bounces off the stage and comes to stand at the table where Deuce sits with who I assume is Paul. Hawk has a lot of confidence in this man and I hope he lives up to it.
    “Sorry, but you ain't got what it takes,” Deuce tells her.
    “Excuse me?” she huffs.
    “Look darlin’, you got good moves, but this ain’t no dance recital. Men are coming in here to get their rocks off while you show off the goods.”
    “But I...” she stops, looking down at the bikini she is wearing.
    “This is a full nude club,” Paul tells her. “You can’t be modest here. You have to be willing to go to extremes to make the customers happy.”
    She nods her head in understanding and steps back, reaching around and releasing the neat bow she has tied behind her. She tosses the top to the side and begins untying the strings on her bottoms. When she is fully nude, she looks at both men, turning bright red.
    “A little small in the tits, but you got a nice ass,” Deuce comments, causing me to shake my head. “What are you thinking, Paul?”
    “She might do. We’ll give you a trial run. Opening night is Friday. We’ll see what the audience thinks and go from there,” he tells her. She smiles broadly and thanks them, rushing to pick up the remnants of her clothing off the floor, then heading off towards the restrooms.
    “You two look like you’re having fun,” I say, coming up behind them.
    “It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it,” Deuce chuckles. “Saw your girl Trix a few minutes ago.”
    “She’s not my girl,” I grumble, taking a seat in the empty chair beside Deuce. “I take it you hired her?”
    “Yeah. Trix might be a cunt face and have a gaping pussy, but she can work the pole. Speaking of,” he turns to Paul. “Might wanna consider making her your headliner.”
    “Not gonna happen” Paul says. “My girl is the headliner.”
    “Just because she’s your girl, you can’t give her special treatment,” I interrupt. “Trix was the headliner at The Lusty Lady, so she knows what it takes.” I hate that I am giving so much credit to Trix, but when it comes to stripping, she knows what she’s doing.
    “You haven't seen my girl’s moves yet. Trust me, The Lap Room was always packed when she took the stage.”
    “Alright, we can give her a shot,” Deuce says. “But Friday night will be the test. She can’t pull it off, then Trix takes lead.”
    “No problem,” Paul shrugs, confident in his girl.
    “Now that that’s settled, let’s talk other business. Got a shipment coming in tomorrow,” I say to Paul. “Need you to do your thing.”
    “Drop off location?”
    “Here. Three o’clock.” I tell him, not trusting him enough to let him inside the club, at least not yet. Hawk may be confident about his abilities, but I’m not so easily impressed.
    “Alright,” he says, standing.  “I’ll be here. In the meantime, I’ll leave you two to this. I've got some shit to take care of.” Paul nods at us and heads for the door, leaving Deuce and I alone.
    “Well, what do you think?” I ask him. If there is one person I trust in this world, it is him and his ability to read people.
    “I don't know yet. There’s something I can’t put my finger on.” Meaning he doesn't trust him. Deuce’s instincts are always on the mark and he has never let me down.
    “We need to keep an eye on him. You puttin’ Beast on him?” I ask.
    “Already done. Either he’ll prove me wrong or we’ll have

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