Riptides (Lengths)

Free Riptides (Lengths) by Steph Campbell, Liz Reinhardt

Book: Riptides (Lengths) by Steph Campbell, Liz Reinhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steph Campbell, Liz Reinhardt
head and catch her bottom lip between my teeth. There’s a shiny layer of sugar dabbed on it, and I take my time sucking it off. She drags her hands to the front of my pants and flicks the button open. “I was in over my head,” I say, trying to keep my voice from cracking. “And these girls were too much for me. You know what I mean.”
    “I don’t.” She shakes her head and tugs down my zipper. “I’ve never been a bad girl.” Her hand pulls back suddenly and she furrows her eyebrows and her lips tremble hard.
    “Hey. Jess. Hey.” I catch her under her chin and tilt her head up. Her dark eyes are flat with that sad look I hate but keep catching flashes of. “I was teasing you, doll. I mean, I did date some crazy girls, but there’s a reason I switched gears and went after someone like you.”
    “Enzo——” she starts, but I cut her off.
    “C’mon. That was shitty of me to bring up anyone else when I have you here. Maybe I just like the idea of making you jealous.” I quickly flick the buttons open, and push it down off her slim shoulders. “Maybe I get off thinking that you might be a little fiery and jealous about me.”
    “Enzo, we need to talk,” Jess says, trying to tug my head back up as my mouth rides low between her breasts, kissing the swells that tremble out over the top of her sexy, lacy red bra.
    “I want to,” I tell her, folding one cup back and sucking her nipple into my mouth. It goes rock hard under my tongue. I lick and pull at it until she arches her back and digs her fingers into my hair. “But I’ve been thinking about your body all damn day. You’re driving me crazy, Jess.”
    She lets out a low, sweet moan and stops trying to pull my mouth away. I run my hands up her back and find the intricate clasp at the back, unhooking it with one quick press. The bra falls away and my hands squeeze and pull at her tits, warm, soft handfuls I can’t get enough of.
    “Okay, okay,” she pants, her fingernails digging tiny indents into my shoulders. “But after this…oh, oh my god, Enzo…after this we talk. We have to …oh my…”
    I let my mouth trail down her stomach and tug those tight jeans down to her knees. I nuzzle her through the thin lace of her panties, but I don’t want anything between us, even this silky scrap of fabric. I pull them down and press her against the wall, spreading her legs as best I can. This isn’t how we should do it. I should take her to the bed and strip everything off before I do this, but I can’t wait.
    Jess is like a drug. The more I get of her, the more I need.
    I kiss her and she whimpers loud. Her fingers tangle in my hair and she presses my mouth closer. One thing Jess told me during one of our many late night sessions was that she’d never really orgasmed all that often, and never from oral. That was like throwing down the ultimate challenge. One of my favorite exes told me that orgasm is all a mind game for a girl, especially when it comes to oral. It’s all about the buildup and the romance.
    It’s part of my play right now. Jess knows that bed is waiting, and we’ll get to it. But first I want her to know that all day I’ve been thinking about her, and I’m not wasting the time it takes to get to the bedroom because I want her so fucking badly, I’m going to take her here and now. I want her to grab her morning coffee and look at this spot on the wall where her bare ass is pressed right now and think, ‘That’s where Enzo ripped my clothes off and went crazy on me the other night.”
    And I want her to want it again.
    I run my thumb until I find the bead of her clit and rub up and over, then all around it, until she’s begging for me to lick and suck on her. I let my fingers slip deep inside, definitely happy to find she’s slick and ready. Which means she’s been thinking about me.
    Maybe she was even thinking about what we did in that bakery with that can of whipped cream while she was busy making her cakes and cookies

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