Doctor Who: Shada

Free Doctor Who: Shada by Douglas Adams, Gareth Roberts, Douglas Roberts

Book: Doctor Who: Shada by Douglas Adams, Gareth Roberts, Douglas Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Adams, Gareth Roberts, Douglas Roberts
Doctor, not entirely unpompously.
    ‘And there’ve been others,’ Romana pointed out. ‘What about Drax?’
    The Doctor smiled. ‘Ha! Drax!’
    Romana thought back to their adventure on the planet Atrios, where she’d encountered her second renegade Time Lord. Drax, a contemporary of the Doctor, had left Gallifrey and spent his time running a slightly shady intergalactic salvage and repair operation.
    ‘And the Corsair,’ said the Doctor. ‘Though he’s one of the good ’uns, really. We must catch up with her sometime.’
    ‘And the Master, of course,’ Romana went on.
    The Doctor gave her a sombre look. ‘Of course.’
    ‘And then there’s the Rani. And Morbius, don’t forget Morbius.’
    ‘How could I?’ spluttered the Doctor. ‘He nearly knocked my block off.’ He gazed into mid-air, looking back into his own past. ‘And there was the Meddling Monk.’
    ‘And the Interfering Nun,’ added Romana. ‘And going back a bit, there was the Heresiarch of Drornid. And Subjatric.’
    ‘Subjatric and Rundgar,’ the Doctor corrected her. ‘They were quite a team, those bad brothers. Terrible tyrants, the stories say. Drowned their own mother in a leaky SIDRAT.’
    ‘And what about Salyavin?’ said Romana.
    The Doctor frowned. ‘Oh yes, him. Awesome psychic powers, they said…’
    ‘Did you ever meet any of them, the ancient outlaws?’ asked Romana. ‘The legends always made them sound so terrifying.’
    The Doctor spluttered, looking insulted at the suggestion. ‘I certainly did not! I’m not that old!’
    ‘Weren’t you ever tempted to see them for yourself?’ asked Romana.
    The Doctor harrumphed. ‘I don’t go running up and down the Gallifreyan timeline, Romana. I have my limits! It could cause the most terrible paradoxes!’
    Romana regretted asking. ‘All right.’
    ‘No, Salyavin was long gone, and long before I was born,’ said the Doctor. ‘Subjatric and Rundgar too, and Lady Scintilla, all of those old ne’er-do-wells.’
    ‘What happened to them?’ asked Romana. Her Gallifreyan history was usually better than the Doctor’s, but on this occasion she couldn’t quite recall the details.
    The Doctor puffed out his cheeks. ‘Do you know, I can’t remember.’ He called out into the kitchen. ‘Professor?’
    ‘Yes?’ the Professor called back. ‘Nearly done.’
    ‘Lady Scintilla. And Salyavin. And Subjatric and Rundgar, the terrible tyrants. What became of them? We’re regrettably cloudy on the details.’
    The Professor ran suddenly into the room, his face wild with excitement and worry. ‘I’ve just remembered!’
    ‘I only just asked you,’ said the Doctor, reasonably.
    ‘Asked me what?’
    ‘What happened to the Ancient Outlaws,’ said Romana. ‘Lady Scintilla and Salyavin and all the rest.’
    The Professor frowned, obviously not taking in what she was saying at all. ‘Salyavin? Scintilla? I’m not talking about them. Good riddance to them! We must find the book!’
    ‘Professor, what do you think we’ve been doing?’ said the Doctor.
    The Professor waved his arm dismissively. ‘I just remembered! There was a young man here earlier. Came to borrow some books. He might have taken it whilst I was out of the room making tea.’
    The Doctor leapt over to the Professor’s side. ‘What was his name, Professor?’
    The Professor tutted and drummed his fingers against his temples. ‘Oh, I can’t remember. Oh dear, I’ve got a memory like… Oh, what is it I’ve got a memory like? What’s that thing you strain rice with?’
    ‘What was his name, Professor?’ urged Romana. ‘Was he Tall? Short? Young? Old?’
    The Professor jabbed a finger in the air triumphantly. ‘I remember!’ he exclaimed. ‘Yes, I remember!’
    ‘Who was he?’ demanded the Doctor. ‘Tell us!’
    ‘A sieve!’ cried the Professor, exultant. ‘That’s what it is! I’ve got a memory like a sieve!’
    There was a pause.
    ‘What was the young man’s name, Professor?’ asked

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