Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James

Book: Their Unusual Mating [Paranormal Protection Unit 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honor James
Tags: Romance
since she did it with three men she understands just how demanding that bond-mates can be.” She teased Lee, “Or she’s not made it out of her bed yet because of her bond-mates. Either way I’m perfectly happy to be here with you.”
    “I’m sure she’s up already. She tends to get up early to ensure the guests are all looked after and comfortable. She has three here at the moment, and I know her males had a meeting for an upcoming mission to get to early this morning,” he murmured. Stroking his fingers over her arm, he avoided the vines just because he didn’t want her thinking he was insatiable. Even though he was.
    “Shoot, I forgot all about her having guests.” This was Katherine’s baby, having this place open to cancer survivors and their families. This was a place to heal. This was a place to say good-bye as well. “All right, love, let’s get up and moving then.” She reached up and touched his cheek as she spoke softly.
    “Are you all right?” he asked in concern, now frowning slightly at her. She had been so happy and now she seemed saddened. “What’s wrong, Rimi?” he murmured, catching her hand to press a kiss to her palm.
    “Nothing, just thinking of how weird this is. I feel like I have known you all my life. We have shared dreams for as long as I can remember, but I’ve truly only just met you. I honestly normally don’t sleep with men when I first meet them, believe it or not.” Yet she had with him, and she had given him her heart, told him she loved him, and truly did love him.
    “We’re bond-mates, little one. It makes things a little different,” he said, watching her carefully. “Are you regretting it?” He had to know the answer to that. He really was hoping that she didn’t, but if she did, they would deal with it however they had to. She was his. He was hers. They were bonded, and mates always took care of each other.
    “No, oh God no, I don’t regret anything with you, Lee,” Rimi assured him quickly. “God, I love you so very much that it truly does scare the bejesus out of me. I want you in my life, need you in my life, and never want to give you up,” she admitted to him. “We are meant to be forever, my love, I know that. It’s just so strange to know that we did this with just barely having met.”
    “Some are lucky and find each other quickly,” he murmured softly. “Others are not so lucky and meet, but the recognition doesn’t occur instantly, so they end up walking away. Then they meet again later, or not at all. I’m all for instant recognition”—or a kick in the ass—“instead of living without you for the rest of my life.”
    “I couldn’t agree more.” Rimi sighed happily. “I dreamed of you for so long that meeting you finally was like lightning,” she admitted. “Now then, we just need to make sure that Katherine knows about the two of us so that she won’t be too bitchy about me moving out of that room and here with you. If you want me, that is.”
    “Of course I want you.” He frowned at her. “Not just because you are my bond-mate either, Rimi,” he murmured, stroking a finger over her cheek. “But because you are you.” Laighean smiled slightly. “You are amazing, love, perfect, and more than even I could have dreamed of.” Their shared dreams had been one thing, but having her there in person was a million times better.
    Leaning into him, she sighed happily. “Good. I’m glad that you are happy with me, because I’m happy with you.” She winked at him and pulled back. “All right. Let’s go and find us some food and find Katherine so that she knows that I’m moving in here with you.”
    Pressing a kiss to her lips, he threw the blankets back and rolled from the bed. Stretching slowly, he eased the sore muscles. Too much training along with an active night of sex had him aching a little. Turning, he looked at her. “Coming?” he asked, holding out his hand to her.
    Rimi slipped her hand into his and gave it a

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