Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
    A large transport used by the jawas.
    Sky house
    A new concept in dwellings, invented by Han Solo and Chewbacca, it is a house that uses repulsorlifts to float in the sky. Han owns the only sky house on Bespin. It floats on a cloud on the outskirts of Cloud City.
    A desert planet with twin suns, Tatooine is Luke Skywalker’s home planet. Tibor
    A bounty hunter who hangs out at Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Tibor is a Barabel alien-a vicious, bipedal reptiloid who has horny green scales. He is hired by Zorba the Hutt to assist and serve Zorba in any way the Hutt desires.
    Three-eyed mutant who was the Supreme slavelord of Kessel. He is now Emperor. Trioculus is a liar and impostor who claims to be the son of Emperor Palpatine. In his rise to power he was supported by the grand moffs, who helped him find the glove of Darth Vader, an everlasting symbol of evil.
    Tusken Raiders
    Also called sand people they live a nomadic life in some of Tatooine’s most desolate deserts. Often riding on Banthas for transportation, they are vicious desert bandits who fear little and make frequent raids on local settlers.
    Twi’lek alien
    A humanoid alien with a head tentacle, he is one of the bounty hunters who hangs out in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
    Zorba Express
    Zorba the Hutt’s ancient bell-shaped spaceship.
    Zorba the Hutt
    The father of Jabba the Hutt. He was unaware of his son’s death because he had been a prisoner on the planet Kip. Zorba looks similar to Jabba, but he has long white braided hair and a white beard. Jabba’s will leaves all of his possessions to Zorba, including Jabba’s palace, and the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino at Cloud City on Bespin.

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