Here Comes the Vampire
the handsome six foot plus of breath-stealing testosterone standing in my office doorway. “How did you get in here? I didn’t hear the bell on the door.”
    His dark eyes brightened, blazing a bright vivid gold. “I didn’t need the door.”
    Because Ash Prince wasn’t your average hunk of male. He packed even more of a punch because he was a demon. A full-fledged, ultra-yummy, rip-off-your-panties-right- now incubus.
    He worked as a detective for the NYPD and headed up an elite investigative group that dealt strictly with Others. Translation? He tracked down condemned spirits for the big D himself. The messy, smelly, deadly kind who’d busted out of Hell and were now occupying the bodies of humans. He hunted with his two brothers, Moe and Zee. Also demons. Also rip-off-your-panties HOT.
    “Seriously.” His eyes cooled to their usual brown and his attention shifted to the bottle in my r Kotteriouight hand. “Are things okay between you and the bounty hunter?”
    “Great,” I blurted. “Super great.” I could tell by the slight grin that he wasn’t buying it. “I miss him, that’s all. We were supposed to do Vegas together, but he had to leave on a case so I got stuck flying solo.”
    Which actually made my entire committed-to-Remy predicament his fault, right? If Ty had boarded the plane with me as planned and headed to Sin City, it would have been him in that elevator at the Mayan.
    Damn straight.
    I held tight to the thought and tried to trade in my guilt for a little self-righteous anger. Unfortunately, my conscience had a No Exchange policy. I was guilty with a big fat G. I’d waltzed down the aisle. I’d bled into the commitment vial. I’d stripped off my panties in the elevator.
    Granted, I’d done all of the above while drunk off my ass, but still. I’d sucked down all of those drinks myself. Yours truly. Me .
    I blinked against the sudden burning in my eyes and forced a smile. “If you’re looking for Ty, he’s in Chicago.”
    “I know. I just talked to him about a fugitive he delivered to us last week.” His gaze collided with mine. “I’m actually looking for you.” His eyes burned and the air in the room went suddenly thick. “I need a woman.”
    My hormones gave an excited yelp and I started to tingle in all the right places. And then I did what any born vampire who oozed lustand thrived on sex would do.
    I leapt across the desk and humped him like a poodle in heat.

    Okay, so I didn’t leap across the desk and hump Ash like a poodle in heat. But I so wanted to. Bad.
    Not because I was a major slut puppy or next in line for a spotlight on Housewives of Orange County . Ash was a sexual demon. He inspired pure, carnal, do-me-now-or-I’ll-die lust with his buff body and dark good looks and deep, seductive demon mojo. In other words, I couldn’t help but think about it.
    Think being the key word. I could never bring myself to cheat on Ty. Not unless I was under the influence of some heavy duty vodka. And bourbon. And Jack Daniels. And this tasty chocolate liqueur that I couldn’t quite remember the name of—
    Hello? This isn’t AA .
    I nixed the confession and focused on the point of my whole mental tirade—namely, despite the recent catastrophe, I loved Ty.
    That meant no humping anyone whose name didn’t begin with a T and end with a Y .
    I licked my lips and kept my stilettos glued to the floor. “Listen, um, Ash, I can totally understand your infatuation. Seriously. I’m beautiful, fashionable, successful,” if one measured success by the ability to cough up the monthly minimum on several astronomical credit card bills, which I had managed to do for the past few months. Yay me. “I’m also smart and intuitive and a really, really good kisser.” I shrugged. “I can’t help it. It comes with the fangs. And while getting it on with any and everything with a penis also comes with the fangs, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. I have a

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