The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
he planned to devour wholeheartedly.
    He then reached her and caged her in with his intense dominating body.
    He then caressed her face and Fiona did not stop him as she had spent the whole day missing his sensual touch.
    ‘’I want to tell you that my true answer is no, I don’t accept your apology. I don’t regret kissing you senselessly, or even making you come for me in that elevator. And I totally want to do a lot more than that to you.
    I want to fully explore that delicious dark chocolate skin of yours and make you reach heights of pleasure you never thought you could ever reach…all because of me.’’ he then whispered his dirty seductive words into her hear which made Fiona almost weak in the knees from imagining it all.
    He then lifted her chin making her stare him in the eyes and she just ended up lost that intense gaze which reeled her in and hypnotised her, making her forget about everything but only him.
    ‘’Come home with me tonight my dark beauty as I want to spent this whole night ravishing you.’’ He then continued and Fiona found herself readily nodding in consent accepting his invitation causing a gorgeous smile to grace his face.

Chapter 6
    As her boss, billionaire and soon to be lover led her out of the company building, Fiona could not believe this was actually happening. Alexio Ashwood this handsome sexy powerful man actually wanted her.
    And damn those words he had whispered to her, she so could not wait.
    But she was then surprised to see these huge bulky men, wearing black and looked to be her boss`s bodyguards standing on each side of the elevator door as they got out.
    They were very scary but she raised her head high not wanting to let them know how intimidated she felt.
    As they stood in the car park this expensive black Limo then arrived and parked in front of them, surprising Fiona as she did not know her boss also rode a limo.
    Being the perfect gentlemen, he then opened the door for her before his limo driver could. And she was loving this gorgeous boyish smile on his face but knew it could turn to a sexy dangerous one too. 
    As she got into her first limousine for the first time, Fiona could not help but look and admire inside. This one had a bar, speakers, TV and everything plus it was bigger.
    Alexio noticed her busy admiring the Limo and just stared at her, liking how her beauty magnified when she was excited.
    As for the bodyguards they entered into their own black car and followed behind. She then started thinking that with Alexio being a Billionaire, there had to be some dangerous crazies after him. That thought excited her more, to be part of this dangerous world compared to her ordinary dull boring one.
    She then quickly sent a quick text message to Tracy. She did that so Tracy would not worry about her not coming home tonight and then quickly turned off her phone knowing Tracy would sent a reply with lots of questions which she would try and answer tomorrow.
    She then returned her attention to the object of her desire, Alexio Ashwood who was planning to ravish her tonight.
    He then offered her a drink and she accepted needing something to ease up some of her nerves.
    They then arrived at this huge golden gate and it opened to reveal this huge gorgeous mansion with a little gate in the backyard leading to this huge forest.
    As she got out of the car, Fiona felt as if she had just arrived at some vacation resort to have an affair with a billionaire.
    ‘’Welcome to my humble home, Miss Blackstone.” Alexio then whispered as they entered into this huge mansion.
    There they were quickly greeted by the butler who took their belongings, including Fiona`s bag. He was a middle aged black man and looked surprised to see his boss and Alpha actually bringing a lady to the mansion as this was a first time! And she was also a human.  Maybe she is a special one. The butler then mused to himself.
    ‘’Sir which room should I put the lady`s belongings?’’ the butler then

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