The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
that and quickly entered the office.
    She then entered for the first time into her boss`s office and it was wow with so many words to describe it from spacey, magnificent to elegant with a personal touch.
    From the expensive white carpet, the elegant red lounge sofas for people to feel comfy to the black polished wooden furniture it was all expensive looking. It was an office truly meant for a billionaire!
    There was also an office desk filled with work papers and a laptop plus a little bookshelf filled with books on the side and behind the desk sat the man who had just minutes ago ruined it for Fiona when it came to other men.
    How the heck was she going to ever find another man who brought her body to life like that? She was truly ruined.
    It also sucked as his dark gaze was still affecting her so much and he still looked as handsome and irresistible as before. This made it all the more harder to say what she was about to say.
    She then started speaking before he could speak first.
    ‘’Mr Ashwood, I would like to say something about the earlier incident.’’ Fiona then said standing there now already feeling nervous and he just looked at her with amusement dancing in those gorgeous intense eyes of his while giving her his full undivided attention.
    ‘’I am not that kind of girl who sleeps around the job with bosses. I just don’t know what was wrong with me today. And so I want to apologize for my behaviour in the elevator as I realise that I was the one who threw myself at you and to also say that it won’t ever happen again. From now on let’s just be professional.’’ Fiona then said out her speech hoping he was not going to react in anger and fire her.
    “Ok and Miss Blackstone, I called you here because I have some documents of Mr Bernard`s business deal that I would like you to proofread for me.’’  He then replied quickly agreeing with her.
    This added to Fiona`s disappointment as a small part of her had expected him to maybe disagree and say he might want to date her outside of work or something.
    But instead he just quickly dismissed their elevator encounter as if he had felt nothing and was now in full total work boss mode.
    But then again, wasn’t this what she had asked of him, for them to behave professionally with each other and yet she was already complaining inside when he did so. Sometimes she so did not know what she wants.
    She then went to her new personal assistant office which was next to her boss`s and spent whole day focused on working while trying to get the feel of her boss`s fire sparking touch out of her mind.
    She then looked at the time and was surprised to find that it was already late and by now many people had already gone home.
    But It wasn’t her fault that she had reached this time here as her billionaire boss and now a bloody demanding one, had given her so much work with little deadline.
    This was also her first day and so she did not want to disappoint.
    After packing up a her stuff on her table, taking only her purse and getting ready to go home, she then opened the door only to be surprised by the sight of her handsome boss.
    He was leaning by the door frame looking gorgeous with a deadly gorgeous smirk on his face and it looked as if everyone had gone home.
    He no longer wore his suit jacket and his tie was now loosened making him look relaxed and casual.
    She then took a step backward as he entered her office without being invited and now stood so close in front of her that she could smell his delicious tempting manly woody scent.
    She took more steps backward until her back hit her office wall wanting to stand as far away from him as she could because the look he had right now was so dangerous. It was a threat to her and her body as she knew with just one of his touches; she would end up losing all her senses.
    And him with that dangerous smirk on his face of knowing so, continued stalking towards her as if he were the predator approaching his little prey whom

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