Lost Boy

Free Lost Boy by Tara Brown

Book: Lost Boy by Tara Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Brown
me drive her around."
    I give him a softened look. He sighs and drives towards White Castle, "She and that guy are for sure gonna date, dude. She likes him."
    I nod, "I know. I wish she knew who he is and why he's there."
    Stuart scoffs, "He's there ‘cause she's hot."
    I give him a look, "He's there because Jane asked him to be. I know she set this up."
    Stuart laughs, "You have had a hate on for her since you banged her. I told you that was a bad idea."
    I hate the wording ‘banged her’, but I have to give him that one. I banged the shit out of her.
    Her needs match mine. Doctor Bradley is a sick woman.
    I change the subject, "Well, we wait it out, when she needs us we'll be there. This thing with this guy isn’t going to last. She doesn’t stand a chance at this normal she wants so badly."

Chapter Eight
    Boston, December 1st

    Her lips wrap tight around me. I have to stare at the wall across from me. If I close my eyes, I see my girl's face and it makes me want it to be more than getting my cock sucked in an alley. I want to see her lips and not the brunette on the floor in front of me. I grab the back of her head, thrusting into her mouth harder. A car drives past the alley, splashing water. I focus on the noise and my thrusts. I need it done. I don’t need perfection, just completion. I hear her gag but I'm there. I push into her throat, making her eyes bug out.
    My eyebrows knit together as I blast the inside of her throat. I pull back a little, making her able to moan again and suck. The noise she is making is trying to distract my peaceful exhale. I bite my lip, feeling it leave me. I shudder and reach into my pants to drop the hundred-dollar bill in there onto the ground. I step away from her, doing my pants up and walk away.
    "I'm not a hooker, you fuck."
    I look back, "It's for mouthwash."
    She flips me the bird and picks the money up.
    Regular women are easy. In the bedroom, they want to be told what to do, manhandled, and treated like a cheap slut. In the kitchen, they want you to help with the cooking and tell them the things they make are perfect. In public, they want a gentleman.
    The girl struggling in her too-high heels is no different than any other girl. She would make me happy when I needed to be.
    That’s not the girl for me though. I don’t like regular girls. I like one girl. The one I can't have.
    My phone rings as I round the wet corner.
    "Plan B is being put into action."
    I frown, "Jane… are you sure? She seems like she's over the guy you hired."
    She laughs, "I never hired him. Sebastian is incredibly wealthy. He didn’t want money. He just wanted to meet her."
    I sigh, "Anyway, her grades are perfect. She went to that bar, she goes to the gym—she seems good. She's been eating out a lot and in the cafeteria. I'm satisfied with her progress. I wish it was faster, but if we don’t have to go to Plan B, I don’t want to."
    I hear her sigh, "She is heartbroken and destroyed. She isn’t over him. Eli, this isn’t negotiable. She told him to leave her alone and has holed up in that dorm. You can be part of it or I can hire someone to play your part."
    I swallow, shaking my head, "I'm in."
    Memories flood me. My steps become stumbles. I hang up the phone and feel it fill me up. The white noise. The constant white noise.
    I stagger to the doorway of a building and sit on the steps. The cold, wet stair doesn’t even bring me back.
    My own treatment is there. If I close my eyes, I can see the round cement with the drawings. I can see the way she looks when she brings the girl into the room. Through the little crack, I can see the way the girl looks scared.
    I didn’t know she was an actress. I thought I'd been abducted a second time.
    I clawed and screamed and tried to save her, but it wasn’t real. It was a movie they made for me. It broke me. I can feel the weight of the gun in my hand.
    I can feel the electricity course through my veins when I close my eyes. The wood

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