Operation: Endurance (When the Mission Ends)

Free Operation: Endurance (When the Mission Ends) by Christi Snow

Book: Operation: Endurance (When the Mission Ends) by Christi Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christi Snow
    Chris knocked softly on Julie’s door, light filtered through her blinds so he hoped it wasn’t too late. It had been another late night at Mad Rob working to get everything done in the office, and then the four of them had gone out for a celebratory beer to toast Colton’s news.
    If Julie was already asleep, he didn’t want to interrupt that. He understood how frustrating it was to be awoken just after finally falling asleep. But she’d left her sweatshirt at Mad Rob the night before and he thought she might need it on these cool nights. He was about to step away from the door when he heard the chain lock disengage.
    The door swung open to reveal a soft, sexy Julie that took his breath away. She was in sleep shorts and a tank top. Her face had been scrubbed clean and her hair had a rumpled look like she’d been running her hands through it or sleeping. Damn, he’d woken her up. But it didn’t seem to bother her as her eyes lit up with a smile.
    “I’m sorry, Julie. I should have waited until morning. I’m so sorry I woke you up.”
    “Oh, Chris, you didn’t. I was just lying in bed reading. I wasn’t asleep yet. Come on in.” She held the door open for him and stepped back so he could come in. “Can I get you something to drink?”
    “No, thanks. I just came from having a beer with the guys so I’m good.” He thrust her sweatshirt out to her. “I don’t want to keep you, but you left this at the office last night and I thought you might be missing it. By the way, the guys told me to tell you thanks. They were happy to see how much work we got done last night.”
    “Thanks, but it was no problem. You know me. I love to do that kind of stuff. Oh, and speaking of Mad Rob. You all haven’t hired someone for the office yet have you?”
    He shook his head ruefully. “No, I think we’re supposed to put out an ad over the weekend and start interviews next week. Why? Are you applying for the job? I could put a good word in for you with the bosses.”
    She laughed. “No, I think I’ll stay at the hospital, but I do know someone who might be perfect for you all. She’s one of my self-defense students who lost her job at a law firm when one of the partner’s sons became too hands-on. From what she tells me, they’re working the business community to keep her from getting hired anywhere else. I have no idea how good she is at her job, but she’s fun and smart. I could see her fitting in with you guys at Mad Rob.”
    “She sounds great. Do you have her name and number? I’ll pass it on to the guys and see what they think.”
    Julie led him to her breakfast counter in the kitchen. She dug out her cell phone and transferred Toni’s contact information onto a sticky note.
    “Why didn’t you mention anything about the attacks in Lubbock last night?”
    She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. It just didn’t seem that important for you to know. I don’t think you’re in any danger from this guy.” She smirked at him.
    “Haha, very funny. You didn’t think I would want to know that you could be in danger?”
    She tucked her short hair behind her ear. “That’s very sweet, but there are hundreds of thousands of women in Lubbock. I think I’ll probably be okay. Besides, I don’t know if you remember or not, but I can hold my own.”
    Suddenly the flash of Julie throwing him down into the snow that fateful Valentine’s Day flashed through his mind. His heart torqued at the thought of her body pressed up against his as he brought her to orgasm later that same evening. “Yeah, I remember,” he said, his voice hoarse. He needed to get out of there. He looked up to meet her eyes which had widened like she knew exactly what he was remembering. Yeah, it was definitely time for him to leave.
    He reached across the counter and plucked the stick-it note out of Julie’s hand. “Thanks for this. I’ll get out of your hair now. G’night, Julie.”
    He stepped out the door and as it shut behind

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