more importantly, she wouldn’t.”
    “Ryu’s clan has become very powerful since Ryu’s decision to take a sabbatical and leave Jessye in charge. We must find him. In the meantime, we must move to stop this coup by your brother. I’m allowing you any means necessary.”
    Rysen nodded. “Thank you, sire.” He bowed and disappeared from sight.
    Back at the inn, he arrived to find Karella coming out of the bedroom Kit was in.
    “Is she awake?”
    “Not yet.” Karella smiled. “You really love her, don’t you?”
    “More than I can say.”
    “Good for you. Now, what is to be done about the threat outside? The seal is holding and will do so for quite a while, but what would you have me do?”
    “I shall take care of it. Things have changed. Tell the guards to stand by, but I’m going to confront the enemy alone.”
    Karella looked up at him in shock. “But, sire --”
    Rysen shook his head. “I need to do this. It’s important. My brother, who I thought was dead, is out there. He’s the cause of all this mess. I need to fix it and understand how this came to be.”
    Karella didn’t ask for an explanation, just nodded her head and curtsied. “Good luck, sire.”
    “Thank you.”
    Karella nodded and stepped out of the way. Taking a deep breath, Rysen squared his shoulders and entered the room to find Kit very much awake and very much aroused.

Chapter Seven
    Kit felt as if she were going to burst into flames. Her breasts were heavy and tight; the slightest breeze over her nipples caused them to throb with need. Her pussy was slick, and her clit pulsed. Her nether lips tingled, wanting his touch. She had never felt so much need for one person before. It scared her. She writhed on the bed, trying to find a cool place on the sheet. She sensed him the moment he reappeared in the house.
    When she had awakened to find him gone, she had panicked, and that was when her body had gone into overdrive. It was as if her body were trying to bring him home by becoming one pulsing point of need. She sat up, legs spread, arms at her side, hands sitting on the mattress. Her hair was a mass of waves and curls, falling around her shoulders like a dark brown cloak, half of it covering her face.
    With a toss of her head, it fell back, only to slide forward again. She heard him coming up the stairs, felt his heartbeat with every step. She reached down, her fingers slipping over the slick petals of her sex. Jolts of electricity sparked and blazed to life, only to fizzle. The simple touch wasn’t enough. She needed his hand, needed his body, needed him.
    A growl of frustration vibrated past her lips. In anguish, she pressed her fingers between her pussy lips to find her clit. Stubbornness drove her actions. The part of her that 6 rebelled against him wanted to prove that she didn’t need him for this simple act of pleasing herself. Finding the hardened bud, she gently passed the pad of her finger over just the hood.
    Her body jerked as a bolt of electricity scattered throughout her body. Her stomach tightened, nipples pulsing with need. Lying back, she arched her hips as she began to tease her clit, slowly at first and then increasing the speed, wanting to coax that one shining moment out of her body so she wouldn’t have to crawl to him for release. Taking hold of one of her nipples, she rolled and tugged the bud. Heat and electric currents clashed against one another.
    “Rysen,” she moaned, wanting her new lover with her, wanting him to watch her as she proved she didn’t need him. Yet, she knew she did. She did need him. More importantly, she wanted him. She wanted to watch him take out that thick cock of his, already dripping with precum. She wanted to watch him stroke it as he watched her masturbate. She wanted to watch him throw his head back, the muscles of his neck standing out with strain as he battled with his orgasm.
    The image of him -- pants around his ankles, shirt off, hand wrapped around his cock --

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