The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today
about half of its original size. The man had not had any treatment in a couple of years. The doctor didn’t understand it. He asked him, “What have you been doing differently?”
    The man replied, “The only thing I’ve done differently is I’ve had some people pray over me.”
    The doctor told him, “You tell those people to keep praying, because at this pace it’s going to be totally gone in a few months’ time!”
    What was that? A seventh year. It looked permanent. Chemotherapy couldn’t stop it. Radiation couldn’t contain it. But our God can do what medicine cannot do. He is not limited to the natural. He is a supernatural God. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been that way or how impossible it looks. When you come into your seventh year, all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God wants to do.

You Need to Get Ready
    Is there something in your life you think is permanent? You think you’ll never get well, never start that business, never settle that legal problem. As far as you can see, your problem is permanent. God is saying, “Get ready. You are coming into your seventh year.” The seventh year is a year of release from sickness, disease, and chronic pain. Release from depression, worry, and anxiety. Release from bad habits, from addictions. It’s not only a release from limitations; it’s a release into increase. God is about to release you into new opportunities, good breaks, and new levels. He is going to release ideas,creativity, sales, contracts, and business. The seventh year is when you get released into overflow, into more than enough. It’s when dreams come to pass.
    Now, you have to receive this into your spirit today. It’s easy to think,
This is never going to happen to me. I don’t believe anything is going to change. I don’t believe I’m coming into my seventh year.
Then this not for you, because this is for believers. This is for people who know things have shifted in their favor. It is for people who know every limitation is only temporary, for people who know they’re entering into their seventh year.
    In 2003, Lakewood signed a sixty-year lease with the City of Houston for our facility, the former Compaq Center, where the Rockets used to play basketball. We always wanted to own the facility, but the lease was the best thing at the time. Seven years later, in 2010, the city was running low on tax revenue and decided to sell off some of their properties. They called and asked if we would be interested in purchasing the facility, and of course we were, but it depended on the price. Brand-new, a facility like ours would cost four hundred million dollars. The city ran its own independent appraisal. They got back with us and said, “We will sell it to you, not for four hundred million dollars, not for two hundred million dollars, not for fifty million dollars, but for seven and a half million dollars!” Now we no longer lease. We own the property.
    Isn’t this interesting? Our seventh year for seven and a half million dollars. Only God can do that. Friend, there are some seventh years in your future! You may think,
I could never afford that property. I could never get well. The chemotherapy didn’t work. I’ll never meet the right person.
No; you need to get ready. When you come into your seventh year, God is going to do more than you can ask or think. He is going to exceed your expectations. It’s going to be bigger, better,and more rewarding than you thought possible. It may seem permanent now, but when you come into the seventh year, God is going to release you from leasing into owning. He’ll release you from debt into abundance, from sickness into health, from constantly struggling into an anointing of ease. Why don’t you get up in the morning and dare to say, “God, I want to thank You that I’m coming into my seventh year. Thank You that You are releasing me into the fullness of my destiny. I am free!” When you believe, all things are possible.

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