The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today
wouldn’t go home. What is that? Like a magnet, he attracted the goodness of God.
    You don’t have to worry about how it’s all going to work out. God knows how to have the cows find you. What has your name on it—the real estate, the good breaks, the businesses, the favor—will eventually find its way into your hands. Proverbs says it thisway: “Trouble chases sinners, while blessings chase the righteous!” You are the righteous. Right now, favor is chasing you. Promotion is chasing you. Healing is chasing you. Cows might be looking for you! Victory is coming your way.

Turn Up the Power
    Don’t ever say, “I’ll never get out of debt.” “I’ll never get married.” “I’ll never be well again.” Do you know what that’s doing? Demagnetizing your magnet. It’s taking away the attraction power.
    When I was a little boy, I used to play with a magnet. One day, I discovered the magnet had lost its drawing power. I had left it by something that demagnetized it. It looked the same, but it wouldn’t attract anything. In the same way, when we dwell on negative thoughts—can’t do it, not able to, never going to happen—that is demagnetizing our magnet. You are taking away its power to pull in what belongs to you.
    Do you know what I’m doing today? I’m helping you to turn up the power on your magnet. When you realize God has put a commanded blessing on your life, and you go out each day with the attitude that something good is going to happen to you, that’s when God can do the exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond.
    Go out each day with the attitude that something good is going to happen to you.
    Each of us can look back over our life and remember a time when we unexpectedly saw God’s favor. You didn’t go after it; it came after you. God has done it in the past, and the good news is He’s not only going to do it again in the future, but what He’s going to show you will make what you’ve seen pale in comparison. He has explosiveblessings coming your way. They are going to thrust you to a level greater than you’ve imagined. You’re going to look back and join me in saying, “How in the world did I get here? I’m not the most qualified or the most talented. I don’t have all the experience.” You may not, but God does. He knows how to get you to where you’re supposed to be. All through the day, make this declaration: “I am blessed.”
    I believe today the power of your magnet is being turned up. You’re about to draw in good breaks, promotion, healing, favor, ideas, contracts, and creativity. God is about to release what already has your name on it. You’re not going to have to go after it; it’s going to come after you. It’s going to be bigger than you imagined. It’s going to happen sooner than you thought. You’re about to step into the fullness of your destiny and become everything God has created you to be.

Your Seventh Year
    W hen we’ve struggled in an area for a long time, it’s easy to think,
This is the way it’s always going to be. I’ll always struggle in my finances. I never get any good breaks. My marriage will never improve. We just don’t get along.
Too often we see it as permanent. People tell me, “I’ve always been negative. That’s just who I am.” They’ve convinced themselves that it’s never going to change.
    The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it’s permanent, then it’s permanent. If you think you’ve reached your limits, you have. If you think you’ll never get well, you won’t. You have to change your thinking. You need to see everything that’s holding you back—every limitation, every addiction, every sickness—as only temporary. It didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. The moment you accept it as the norm, the moment you decide,
This is my lot in life
, that’s when it can take root and become a reality. A stronghold in your mind can keep you from your destiny. If you would just

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