Hot Redemption

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Book: Hot Redemption by K. D. Penn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. D. Penn
should be illegal on several planets—maybe all of them.
    â€œPlease remain seated.” The female voice sounded from the ceiling. “Takeoff will begin in twenty seconds.”
    And Nix isn’t here.
    I’d have to change the plan, but it wouldn’t be a big deal. I’d only added her in at the last minute. The problem for me would be the damn thoughts about her that had filled my mind for the last few days. I realized we couldn’t be more than whatever the hell we were, but I yearned to be it. I daydreamed about the few moments on Trinity when we could tour the planet, dance at any of the fun spots known for good music, and together we’d plan the hit with precision. She had a brain in that gorgeous head. I desired to be inside of it and so much more.
    â€œTwenty.” The countdown began.
    The floor trembled under my feet. The plastic drapes lowered over the windows and darkened the cabin.
    I plugged my ears with music and switched to the electric heat category. It was the only genre of music I preferred. The music swam into my ears, drenched with that dark, edgy groove and sweltering bass, one ripped so hard I could hear it in my heart and in the rhythm of my pulse. Almost as if the music stopped, I would die within the silence.
    â€œYou ripped me open until I was raw with you.” The singer’s deep voice flowed on the edge of erotic and menace. “And then you laughed and savored my pain from you.”
    Someone tapped my arm. I quickly opened my eyes in anticipation, hoping it was Nix, but it wasn’t. Just a huge robot dressed in shining blue metal that was as wide as a door. Its middle looked like a four-foot box. The head twisted my way as the transport took off.
    I yanked out my head phones and pulled off my sunglasses. “Yeah?”
    â€œCompliments of Ms. Phoenix, sir.” The robot’s boxed center slid open to reveal three large champagne bottles on a tray with a glass filled with slabs of roasted meat over rice, a bowl of chocolate cookies, and pitchers of ice-cold milk. “I was ordered to go to this area and provide section omega with these items.”
    â€œAll of this is for me?” I sat up in the seat.
    â€œNo, sir.” The tray pushed out toward me. Words lit up around its eyes as if the machine were reading the message. I heard cheers from the kids and knew they’d spotted the cookies.
    â€œWho did Ms. Phoenix say these were for?” I asked.
    Several gleaming violet wires swirled out of his sides, captured one bottle, and handed it to me. “It is all for section omega. The three bottles of champagne were to be delivered to a Mr. Epic Failure, Mr. Beaded Monstrosity, and Mr. Toy Chains. The rest were for the family of cretins.”
    A grumble boomed from the back. I figured it was Shade since Toy had exploded with laughter. Mimi gestured for the robot to come to her. I was sure she’d hold on to the cookies and milk and dole them out a little at a time in an effort to keep the kids being good for their sweet prize.
    â€œWas there a message?” I balanced on the edge of joy that Nix had thought of us and fear that the food was an apology to say she wasn’t coming.
    â€œYes, sir.” The robot rolled over to my sister, but its head remained facing me. “Ms. Phoenix said that she is on the transport and will meet you at the baggage area when the craft lands.”
    Fuck that. I want to see her now.
    â€œAnd where is she?” I undid my seatbelts and rose.
    â€œAll humans are supposed to remain seated during launch and until the captain states otherwise.”
    â€œI have an emergency.”
    Red lights glowed on the top of its head. “All humans are supposed to remain seated during launch and until the captain states otherwise.”
    â€œI’ll be back.”
    The robot’s head spun a few times and then it gave up on me and handed over

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