Hot Redemption

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Book: Hot Redemption by K. D. Penn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. D. Penn
the cookies to Mimi. If it was a human transport stewardess, my butt would have been shoved back into the seat. There is definitely a good side to machines. Toy grabbed the plates and utensils. Frowning, Shade reached for the meat and rice.
    â€œWe’re not hungry for rice. We want dessert.” The triplets bounced in their seat in perfect unison. “Cookies! Cookies!”
    â€œEnough! Dinner first and if you’re good, then sweets,” I roared. They sank into their seats. I turned to the robot. “Where is Ms. Phoenix?”
    â€œI do not know, sir.” The robot continued down the aisle.
    â€œCan you provide any other information?”
    â€œThis meal was billed to a Mr. Doug McIntyre in section alpha. Good day, sir.”
    Alpha? She’s in first class and this McIntyre must be her first whale to Trinity.
    Jealousy merged with my temper and boiled in my gut. It was sweet that she’d gotten the food for us. Transport food was pricey and cost three times a regular meal. With the price of the tickets, fee for moving furniture, and all of the other expenses incurred, all I could get the kids were a couple of crackers and bottles of water. We were on a strict budget once we hit Trinity. I battled with myself to relax, sit back in my seat, and just take the food.
    But then images of a strange man sucking on Nix’s breast danced in my head. Who is this McIntyre guy and why did he pay for her? Did she suck him off too? I shook away that thought. It wasn’t my business, but I couldn’t get the questions out of my mind. Instead, I followed my path of rage.
    â€œWhere you going, man?” Shade raised his black eyebrows.
    â€œTo say thank you.”
    â€œJust thank you?”
    â€œMaybe,” I said through clenched teeth.
    â€œYou think that is a smart move?”
    â€œWhy wouldn’t it be?”
    He waved me away and started to spoon food onto plates. “It’s probably not a good idea to piss her off for being nice, just because you’re jealous.”
    â€œI’m not jealous.”
    I would just love to say thank you to Mr. McIntyre with my fist and perhaps a foot deep within the crevices of his ass.
    â€œI’ll be right back.” I stormed out of our section and stomped toward alpha, opening and closing doors to get to each section, as well as passing many compartment passengers who were pissed off I was walking through their area.
    I arrived in alpha in no time. Nix’s laughter hit me first. It came out smooth and melodic, like a song. The fragrance of jasmine and roses fluttered toward me next. I centered my attention toward the direction and trapped her in my view.
    Her usual straight midnight hair now hung in a waved pattern. An artistic touch of makeup decorated her olive skin, not too much to give her a cheap appearance, but enough to imprison any man that gazed her way. And she’d jailed them all. Every man ogled her, from young to old, single or taken. She wore an olive-green leather strapless corset over a matching long-sleeve blouse, which topped a long green-and-black brocade skirt.
    It was the rich lady’s new style on Trinity. They set the fashion trends, and the style now was modesty through yards of expensive fabric in a modern twist to nineteenth century dress. Mimi had blasted my ear all about it the night before as she poured through fashion magazines on the planet. I’d planned on buying Mimi several of these dresses and loved the idea of covering her up. But now I wasn’t sure if the covering up part was a simple solution for my sister’s new body, because just one glance at Nix’s dress incited a craving to rip that silk and leather, break away that skirt, and devour her center.
    She giggled again and then turned my way as if she’d felt someone new looking at her. The smile plastered her face, but worry crinkled around the edges.
    â€œBrother! You’ve come to visit me.” She

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