problem. See you in history.” I slipped on my sunglasses and walked to biology, standing in the hallway sipping my Starbucks before going into class.
    “What are you doing?”
    I looked up to see Jaden standing in front of me. “Drinking my caffeine before class starts,” I said, holding the cup up so he could see it. “I’m not allowed to take it in the classroom. You want to do something this afternoon?”
    “Like what?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.
    “I didn’t know there were limits on what you were willing to do to spend time with your girlfriend.”
    “Forget I said anything.” Dropping my half-full cup into the trash, I walked into the classroom. I flung my bag on the table before dropping onto my seat.
    Jaden, being the idiot that he was, followed me. If he’d been smart, he would’ve taken the hint that I was done talking when I threw away a half cup of caffeine.
    “What do you want to do?” he said with a sigh, as if it was a major imposition to spend time with me.
    “Nothing, Jaden, I don’t want to do anything. I told you to forget it.”
    “So now you’re mad at me?”
    “Nope.” I started to pull stuff out of my bag. I was so irritated I grabbed things I didn’t need. I had a pile of five highlighters and was still pulling more out, slamming them on the table between Brody and me.
    “Then what’s the matter, Wills?”
    “Don’t call me that. Nothing’s the matter. It’s Monday, okay. I hate Mondays. I’m in a crappy mood. Just forget I said anything.” I pushed my bag away and threw my sunglasses on top of it, leaning back in my chair.
    “Are you PMSing or something?”
    “What? Seriously, you did not just ask me that! Just leave.”
    “See ya at lunch.” Jaden bent down to kiss me. I turned my head at the last second, and his lips landed on my cheek. “Now you’re starting to piss me off.”
    “Whatever.” I watched him leave the classroom. “Ugh!” I put my hands together like I was strangling him, shaking them back and forth.
    Brody chuckled beside me. “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
    “Did your hamster die or something?” he asked.
    I blew out a frustrated breath. “No one died. I’m mourning the death of the weekend.”
    “Oh. That’s cool.”
    “I’m so glad I have your approval of my dress code,” I snapped.
    “Well, there is one thing. If Jaden doesn’t want guys looking at you, then you shouldn’t wear that push-up bra.” He put his elbow on the table and rested his cheek in his upturned palm. His teeth bit into his bottom lip, his eyes traveling from my chest to my eyes and back again.
    “Ugh, you’re a pig and completely lacking in the IQ department.”
    “Not that I care what you think, but I’m a member of the honor society.” He twirled his pen on the table.
    “That’s not a surprise,” I murmured. I laid my head on my book and closed my eyes.
    “I’d heard they’d lowered their standards.”
    He chuckled. “You’ve got a mouth on you.”
    I opened one eye and looked at him. “Most people have mouths. Just thought you’d want to know that little fact, you know, before the next honor society meeting.”
    Brody smiled and turned to face the front of the class where the teacher had started droning on about the earthworm dissection we’d be doing.
    Sounds like so much fun, except for the poor earthworm .

    “You want to go to the mall?” I asked Jenna as we walked out of school that afternoon.
    “Good. I have a T-shirt to make.”
    She threw her arms in the air and sighed. Loud. “Willow, if I’d known you were making another corny T-shirt, I’d have said no,” she said, her hands falling with a thwack against her thighs. “You must’ve had a babysitting job, and now you want to throw your hard-earned money away on a stupid T-shirt.”
    “Don’t hate the T-shirts,” I said with a laugh. “Besides, you’re gonna like this one. But first, a

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