especially the part where the guy was wandering around, looking for his arms. That was classic.”
    “Yeah.” He laughed. “That was great.”
    Note to self— sarcasm is ineffective on Jaden .
    “I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Sliding out of the booth, I turned to the restrooms, catching a glimpse of Brody and his date.
    Brody’s dating Kara? I know her. She’s nice. They’re sharing an ice cream sundae. How sickening sweet can you get? Ugh… I’m totally jealous. Oh. Kill. Me. Now. I can’t be jealous. I’m with Jaden. Jealous, possessive, overbearing Jaden .
    Walking down the small hallway where the restrooms were located, I pushed through the door into the ladies’ room. I didn’t need the restroom. I just wanted a minute alone. Bracing my hands on either side of the sink, I stared at myself in the mirror.
    How did this happen? What did I do to get here? This is my life, but I don’t remember making the decisions that brought me here. If she hadn’t done it… but she did… and now we’re both screwed. Suck it up. Stop whining.
    After washing my hands, I checked my makeup before pulling the door open to leave. I froze when I stepped into the small hallway. I’d never realized how small it was until I was standing there with him. He filled it, not only with his body, but also with his very presence. Butterflies swarmed my stomach.
    “Hey.” He gave me a small grin.
    “Hey, Ace.”
    “I just wanted to check on you after yesterday in the cafeteria. You okay?” Brody asked, his eyes searching mine.
    “Yes. Thanks.” I started to walk away, but stopped and turned to look at him. “And thanks for yesterday. I know you were trying to help.”
    He nodded once and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
    I smiled and walked back to my table, trying to put Brody Victor out of my head.
    Jaden and I ate our dinner. Then he left me alone in the booth to visit with every football teammate that came through the restaurant. Thankfully, I’d brought my e-reader with me. But there was a time if I’d brought it with me, it would’ve stayed, unused, in my purse.
    “How’s your hamburger? I’m sorry I got mayo. I’ll remember next time not to order yours with mayo.” Jaden reached across the booth and caressed my fingers with the pad of his thumb.
    I took a sip of Coke and tilted my head to the side. “It’s good. Even with the mayo.” I grinned.
    Jaden’s fingers moved over my hand, drawing invisible circles on my skin. His blue eyes stared into mine.
    I took another sip of my Coke, chewing on the end of my straw. “What?” I asked when he continued to stare.
    “I just like to look at the prettiest girl here.”
    He opened his mouth to say more when he was interrupted by three guys from the football team. They pushed their way into the booth with us. One next to Jaden, and two next to me. I was flattened against the wall to make room for them.
    “Hey, bro, what’s going on?” one of the guys asked.
    Jaden’s jaw worked, and I saw his pulse beating in a vein bulging on his neck. “Kind of on a date.”
    “Oh. Sweet,” one of the other stinky guys said. They smelled like they’d just walked off the field after hours of football practice and forgot to put on deodorant. I was gasping for fresh air where I was trapped between the wall and the armpit of one guy. “You wanna hang?”
    “Did you not just hear me? I’m on a freakin’ date. And you weren’t invited. So there’s the door.” Jaden jerked his thumb toward the front of the restaurant.
    “Whoa! My man, Jaden. You must be getting some happy-happy if you don’t wanna hang with your dawgs. That’s cool. We’ll catch ya on the flip.”
    The three guys eased out of the booth and said their goodbyes. I watched Jaden’s eyes track them as they made their way from table to table, laughing and joking with other guys from the football team.
    I squeezed Jaden’s fingers. “Do you want to go say hi to your football

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