For Fallon

Free For Fallon by Soraya Naomi

Book: For Fallon by Soraya Naomi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Soraya Naomi
between my legs with his hands trailing up and down my thigh - when we’re interrupted by his ringing phone.
    Didn’t he put it on vibrate earlier? And doesn’t he have voicemail?
    It keeps on ringing and ringing, so I raise my brows, hoping to prompt him to speak.
    He sighs and gets up to answer his phone.
    I dress in my panties, pick up my bra and dress, and head to my bedroom. Grabbing my silk robe in the bathroom, I put it on and meet Luca back in the living room. He’s standing by the coat rack with his phone in hand, swiftly typing away. His shirt has been buttoned and tucked back into his pants. One hand tangles through his hair, and his demeanor reminds me of the night we met in the club. There’s a hard edge to him, a contradiction in his actions and emotions that make him equally desirable and unsettling. I take this moment to slowly walk up to him.
    Without looking up, he informs me, “I have to go.”
    I glance at the screen and notice he has many missed calls and messages. He’s obviously troubled about something. “Okay, you can wash up in the bathroom, if you want?”
    His phone disappears in his pocket. “No, I want to smell you on me.”
    I scrunch up my nose, but I can’t prevent the corner of my lip from tilting up at his dirty confession.
    He laughs at me.
    “I’m glad you can still laugh. Is something wrong that you have to leave so suddenly?” I ask him tentatively.
    A rueful smile shows on his face before he masks it. “Yes, a situation with a friend of mine.” He cups my chin. “I’ll call you.”
    I have no idea what just happened, so I only stare at him with a blank expression.
    Luca takes his suit jacket - which seems oddly heavy - and opens the door. A gentle kiss is placed on my lips, and he immediately stills for a second, making me think that he has surprised himself by initiating this kiss.
    I close the door immediately and lean back against it. He had a lot of missed calls. I’m a little confused about why he left so abruptly. I still feel his hands all over my body, and glancing at the couch, I can’t hold the upward curve of my lips. Teagan would be proud of me.
    I grab my purse and head back to my bedroom to take a shower, but I stop to look at myself in my mirror. My lips are swollen, my hair is all over the place, and I have bite marks on my neck. I trace the marks with my fingers, a tangible memory. My phone alerts me of a message.
    Fallon, I’ll call you later. I had a wonderful evening with you.
    Then why leave so abruptly? I can never tell what’s next with Luca. During my shower, I remember I have a busy week ahead, so I text him back when I’m lying in bed.
    Luca, I’m actually very tired and decided to head to bed early. I’ll talk to you this week. Night
    Silencing my phone, I leave it on my nightstand beside my bed .

    Luca, I’m actually very tired and decided to head to bed early. I’ll talk to you this week. Night
    I read her text and realize that I need to handle this more delicately because I can’t believe I feel remorse over leaving her. And I actually give a shit that she could be mad. Instead of pacifying my desire for her, this date has accomplished the exact opposite.
    I connect my phone to the car charger while I’m speeding through the streets to aid Adriano at the warehouse up north. The last money drop-off to our Syndicate regarding Crystal Lake was compromised, and Adriano and I need to find out why.
    I’m calling her now. It rings and rings. And voicemail.
    My agitated state disperses when I smell a hint of her on me. A small smile tugs at my lips as I think about how her presence calmed me during dinner. For a guy who can never put his guard down, she made me feel peaceful and relaxed to live in the moment. I lick my lips and adjust my pants thinking about how badly I want to drive myself into her. Watching her climb toward release with my lips on her had me rock hard and begging for

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