From the Elephant's Back

Free From the Elephant's Back by Lawrence Durrell

Book: From the Elephant's Back by Lawrence Durrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence Durrell
Exile.” The Poetry Review 43.1 (1952): 30–34. Print.
    â€”——. “Corfu: Isle of Legend.” The Geographical Magazine 8.5 (1939): 325–34. Print.
    â€”——. “Down the Styx.” Spirit of Place: Letters and Essays on Travel . Ed. Alan G. Thomas. London: Faber & Faber, 1968. 417–22. Print.
    â€”——. “Elegy on the Closing of the French Brothels.” NOW 8 (1947): 30–32. Print.
    â€”——. “Endpapers and Inklings.” Antaeus 61 (1988): 88–95. Print.
    â€”——. “Enigma Variations.” Time and Tide 16 March 1957: 319–20. Print.
    â€”——. “Family Portrait.” U.N. World 6 (1952): 60–63. Print.
    â€”——. “From a Winter Journal.” Pleasures of New Writing: An Anthology of Poems, Stories and Other Prose Pieces from the Pages of NEW WRITING . Ed. John Lehmann. London: John Lehmann Ltd., 1952. 252–60. Print.
    â€”——. “From a Writer’s Journal.” The Windmill 2.2 (1947): 50–58. Print.
    â€”——. “From the Elephant’s Back.” Poetry London–New York 2 (1982): 1–9. Rpt. in The Fiction Magazine 2.3 (1983): 59–64. Print.
    â€”——. From the Greek of Sekilianos and Seferis . Rhodes: Privately printed, 1946. Print.
    â€”——. “Hamlet, Prince of China.” Delta 2.3 (1938): 38–45. Print.
    â€”——. “The Happy Rock.” The Happy Rock: A Book About Henry Miller . Berkeley, CA: Bern Porter, 1945. 1–6. Print.
    â€”——. “Hellene and Philhellene.” Times Literary Supplement 13 May 1949: 1–2. Print.
    â€”——. Henri Michaux, The Poet of Supreme Solipsism . Birmingham: Delos Press, 1990. Print.
    â€”——. “The Heraldic Universe.” Personal Landscape 1.4 (1942): 7–8. Print.
    â€”——. “Ideas About Poems.” Personal Landscape 1.1 (1942): 3. Print.
    â€”——. “Ideas About Poems [II].” Personal Landscape 1.2 (1942): 2. Print.
    â€”——. Introduction. Lear’s Corfu: An Anthology Drawn From the Painter’s Letters and Prefaced by Lawrence Durrell . Ed. Marie Aspioti. Corfu, GR: Corfu Travel, 1965. 7–8. Print.
    â€”——. Introduction. Wordsworth; Selected by Lawrence Durrell . Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973. 9–21. Print.
    â€”——. “The Island of the Rose.” The Geographical Magazine 20.6 (1947): 230–39. Print.
    â€”——. “Lamas in a French Forest.” Telegraph Magazine 18 Nov. 1984: n. pag. Print.
    â€”——. “A Letter from the Land of the Gods.” The Right Review 8 (1939): n. pag. Print.
    â€”——. “Letter in the Sofa.” Evening Standard 22 Nov. 1957: n. pag. Print.
    â€”——. “Letters to T.S. Eliot.” Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 33.3 (1987): 348–58. Print.
    â€”——. Monsieur or The Prince of Darkness . London: Faber & Faber, 1974. Print.
    â€”——. “The Moonlight of Your Smile.” King’s School Review 1.2 (1960): 3. Print.
    â€”——. “No Clue to Living.” Times Literary Supplement 27 May 1960: 339. Rpt. in The Writer’s Dilemma . Ed. Stephen Spender. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 17–24. Print.
    â€”——. “On George Seferis.” George Seferis 1900–1971 . London: National Book League and the British Council, 1975. 7–8. Print.
    â€”——. “The Other Eliot.” The Atlantic Monthly 215.5 (1965): 60–64. Print.
    â€”——. Panic Spring: A Romance . 1937. Victoria, BC. ELS Editions, 2008. Print.
    â€”——. “Paris Journal— for David Gascoyne .” Collected Poems 1931–1974 . Ed. James Brigham. London: Faber & Faber, 1980. 68. Print.
    â€”——. Pied Piper of

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