Cluttered Attic Secrets

Free Cluttered Attic Secrets by Jan Christensen

Book: Cluttered Attic Secrets by Jan Christensen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Christensen
with interest.
    “Reading murder mysteries, mainly.”
    Tina and Hank laughed. “I read mysteries, too,” Hank said. “Mostly suspense and thrillers. They don’t usually have old houses with secret rooms in them.”
    “I guess not.” Brandon began to pace. “The older classics do, though. Easiest way to find out in this big house would be by finding the blueprints.”
    “They’d probably be right here in the library,” Tina said and began opening the desk drawers. “Or in the basement.”
    “Why in the basement?” Hank asked. He started on the credenza.
    “I don’t know, but that’s where Uncle Bob found the ones for our house.”
    Brandon went to stand by the bookshelf closest to the side window. “If we have to remove all these books, it will take a long time to search.”
    “That’s true.” Tina pulled out the bottom drawer of the desk. She was surprised to find it empty. “Nothing here. I think we should check the basement. I have a feeling.”
    Brandon laughed. “Woman’s intuition? Then we definitely need to go downstairs.”
    “Nothing in the credenza, either.” Hank closed the cabinet door. “Probably Tina’s feeling comes from the fact that there’s a precedent. Uncle Bob found blueprints in the basement. Ergo, same thing could happen in other older homes.”
    Tina gave him a sweet smile. “They shouldn’t be too hard to find. They’re large, in a roll. Well, if they’re like what Uncle Bob found. Let’s check out the basement.”
    Brandon looked dubious. “You sure you want to go down there tonight?”
    “Why not? We haven’t heard any noises from there. And we should check out access, too.”
    Hank nodded. “That’s a good idea. Let’s go. If we stick together, we’ll be fine.”
    Tina’s heartbeat ticked up a little. She didn’t feel exactly scared, but…

    “You know where the stairs to the basement are?” Brandon asked Tina. “I just realized I don’t know. I was hardly ever anywhere in this house except the living room and dining room.”
    “I’m not sure, but they’re probably in the kitchen or near the back door.”
    “Let’s go.” Hank led the way to the kitchen, Tina behind him and Brandon bringing up the rear.
    When they arrived, Tina looked around. “Over here.” She found a door, but it was to the pantry.
    “Here’s another one.” Hank pulled open a second door, found the light switch and flipped it on. They saw the stairway. Again, Hank went first, and they climbed down the open, creaking wooden stairs to the unfinished cellar.
    “It’s a bit chilly down here.” Tina shivered. She looked around. The area was not partitioned off. She noticed the wide walkout stairway at the back. Aunt Margaret had obviously updated the heating system because the unit looked similar to what the Shaws had replaced their old, original oil burner with. A sump pump was positioned near a rear window, and a washer and dryer took up part of one wall. A nearly empty workbench sat next to the walkout. No old garden tools, lawnmowers, lawn chairs scattered about. A vivid contract to the attic.
    “Not many places to look for some blueprints,” Brandon said. He walked over to the washer and opened one of the cabinet above it. Laundry detergent, bleach, and fabric softener. A roll of paper towels. The rest was empty, and so was the cupboard above the dryer.
    “Well,” Tina said, “except for the attic, Aunt Margaret certainly had no need of a professional organizer.”
    “That’s for sure.” Hank walked up the cement cellar stairs and checked out the fold-out doors. He studied the long, sliding bolt that held the two doors together, then slid it open. “That was easy.” He slid it back and forth a couple of times, then turned to Tina and Brandon, looking thoughtful. “Got to wonder how often Aunt Margaret went in and out of this door. Wouldn’t think she’d do it that much, would you? If ever. Might have become rusty over the years. But it’s well

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