The British Billionaire's Baby

Free The British Billionaire's Baby by Cristina Grenier

Book: The British Billionaire's Baby by Cristina Grenier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
Tags: bwwm romance
never liked to take anything from him unless she absolutely had to. This way was more viable. As much as she might like to forget, Sebastian was the child’s father. She really had no right to deny her child its father, if he actually wanted to be involved in its life.
    Now, the idea of the baby holding some kind of title…being shuffled into the world of British nobility, she wasn’t sure how she felt about that, but Gabby supposed that if she did agree to this foolishness, she had a good nine months to make sure her opinion was heard.
    She couldn’t believe she was actually considering this.
    Leaving New York – her life and her work. She’d barely even set foot outside the state before! She’d have to find some way to take her canvases and her paintings with her – she’d need some kind of studio –her own space to think and breathe…
    “Two conditions.” She spoke before she could change her mind, reminding herself that she didn’t give a shit who Sebastian was or how much money he had. This was about the baby.
    The earl’s relief was palpable, his shoulders sagging as the tense muscles in his face relaxed.
    “Name them.”
    “Number one: I get a space to continue with my painting. It can be a closet for all I care, just as long as I get it.”
    “Of course.” Sebastian seemed astounded by the simplicity of her request. “Consider it done.”
    “Number two," Her eyes narrowed as she stared up at him. “Separate bedrooms.”
    Sebastian choked. “Pardon?”
    “You heard me.” She pressed. “Separate bedrooms. I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you again. Once was quite enough.” Indeed, once was enough to fuck her over entirely, no pun intended.
    “Impossible.” It took the man less than two seconds to find his voice, and the firmness in his tone irked her somewhat.
    “What do you mean ‘impossible’?”
    “If we’re supposed to be married, we’ll be occupying the same house, the same room, and the same bed. Anything less would give us away. Questions would be raised and the child’s legitimacy would be in question.”
    Meaning no healthcare. She got the picture loud and clear. Frowning deeply, Gabby glared at him for a good minute, fuming. It seemed there was no way to acquire what was best for the baby other than to go along with Sebastian – the man she was beginning to see as an obstacle to be overcome.
    “Fine.” She snapped. “Same bed. But if you try and touch me, you’ll lose your fingers.”
    Sebastian held up his hands defensively. “Understood. I’ll stay on my side if you’ll stay on yours.”
    Gabby gaped in outrage. Was he implying that she would…in his dreams! “Let’s get one thing straight here, my Lord ,” She sniped, raising a hand to poke his rock-like chest. “I’m doing this for the baby. That’s it. Nine months and I’m gone. Is that clear?”
    “We have an accord.” Holding out his hand, Sebastian fixed her with what she supposed was his most serious expression. It was too bad all she could recall was the way his elegant face contorted in pleasure as she rode him to completion. Swallowing her trepidation, Gabby reached out to shake his hand and seal the deal.
    She only hoped that she wouldn’t live to regret it.

CHAPTER 5 - Facade
    Three weeks later
    “And this is the kitchen.”
    Sebastian didn’t know which was more amusing – watching Gabrielle’s eyes grow wider and wider with every additional room that was revealed to her or watching the staff whisper about her as they passed. So far, the story he’d concocted about her being a wealthy daughter to an oil baron hadn’t been questioned.
    This was, of course, because the young woman had showed remarkable restraint when it came to speaking with members of his household and the media that had mobbed her the moment she’d stepped from the plane. Thankfully, the public had taken this to mean she was demure and shy. Sebastian knew it to be

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