“You hungry?”
                  I didn’t eat too much before I came here with Levi because of my nerves. The hunger is starting to catch up with me. Fruit, wine, and cheese won’t cut it. “Starving.”
                  As if he read my mind, he suggests ordering room service. Levi wants me to order anything that I want off of the menu. Again, I’m treated like a princess, and I love it. After we eat, we cozy up in bed and hold each other for what seems like and eternity.
                  My back is lying against Levi’s chest and he is caressing my arms. I almost doze off when I hear him. “I think I love you, Lena.”
                  My body is fully awake now. Thank god my back is to him because I don’t want him to see the tear that has slipped from my eye. It’s like a dream come true to hear the guy you have been crushing on, for what seems like a lifetime, say he loves you. I whisper back, “I think I do too.”
                  He flips me over so I am now on top of him, “I mean it. I can be me around you. It’s like it’s you and me against everyone. I don’t want to let this go.”
                  I’m face to face with him. “No one said you have to. We are going to different schools but our feelings won’t change. At least, mine won’t. You were my first. My one. My only. No one can take that from us.” I tilt my head in to him and kiss him with everything that I have. He groans in to my mouth and I know we are going to make love again. I will suffer through any pain for this boy.
                  Levi dropped me off in the early morning. It’s going to be a busy day and I need to get some sleep so I can decorate for prom later in the afternoon. My mom is nowhere to be found so I take my nap in peace. When I wake up, she is sitting on the edge of my bed. At first, she startles me but I realize she wants to talk.
                  I rub the sleep from my eyes. “What’s up, mom?”
                  Her eyes are gloomy but she fakes a smile. “Just want to see how you are feeling. I was a bit concerned when I found you sleeping. Are you feeling ill?”
                  Her sudden concern with my well-being is freaking me out. “I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
                  The fake smile reappears. “You spent the night with Levi, I suppose?”
                  No sense is lying to her, so I don’t. “Yes.”
                  She shakes her head with thought behind her eyes. “Lena, you have always been a smart, talented, young lady. I never, ever had to worry about you. You’re eighteen years old, so your decisions are yours to make. I’m here if you need to talk about anything. I want you to know that. Our relationship hasn’t been always been easy, I know. But, I’m still your mom. I love you.”
                  I can see it’s the truth. It’s almost like her motherly instincts are kicking in and she can tell that I’m not a virgin anymore. Part of me wants to deny her the right to know what is happening in my life. The other part of me wants to tell her everything. I settle on giving her a tidbit of information because I see that she needs to know that I’m okay. “Mom, I’m okay. Whatever happened between Levi and me was consensual. It was fine. I’m fine. Okay?”
                  Her eyes are filled with water but she doesn’t spill it. Instead, she wraps her arms around me like she did when I was little, rocking me back and forth. To my surprise, I don’t mind it. It’s comforting. “My lovely Lena. When did you grow up so quickly?” Still in her arms, I shrug. “I have something for you. I know that you took out loans for school. But, I have been saving this for you for a few years now. You can use it to help pay down the loans or any expense you have for

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