Mad About Plaid
toward her. "Sorry about the rain," Ian called as he drew near.
    Under the eaves of the main entrance, he stopped and gave her a megawatt smile. There went her stomach again. His hair was wet and so were his eye lashes, making the blue of his eyes more vibrant and striking. And she just stood there, staring soberly until her mouth went dry and the sound of the rain became distant.
    "You dressed for the weather this time," he finally broke the odd pause between them.
    Yeah? That was the best she could come up with?
    "Let me grab some rain gear for you. The tour is still on."
    After Ian went inside, Lucy let out a long, pent up breath. Her ridiculous phone call with Riley had really messed with her head. She had to get it together.
    After donning the rain coat and hood Ian gave her, he grabbed her hand and they ran across the yard to the dock and hopped onto the small boat. Soon they were coasting across the water. Definitely not the lazy day floating on the loch that she'd imagined. Oddly enough though, she wouldn't change a thing. It felt exhilarating and wild. Her pulse thrummed and energy coursed through her veins as she stood inside the small cabin, her body quickly getting used to the rise and fall of the craft.
    "Where are we going?" she asked loudly to be heard over the motor.
    "You'll see. Hang tight."
    The boat veered left. She yelped and grabbed the railing. Ian smiled, the look in his eyes . . . affectionate.
    As they went around around a bend, Lucy's eyes widened. "No way."
    On a piece of rocky land jutting into the loch were the ruins of a castle. Jagged tower, crumbling walls… The stones were old and beautiful, the entire site breathtaking against the backdrop of the misty loch and moss covered rocks.
    The rain had slowed to a drizzle. The air was so fresh and cool, she wanted to bottle it and take it home with her. Part of her knew she'd never be the same after this trip, that she'd leave part of herself here in this beautiful place.
    Ian navigated the boat near the shore, dropped anchor, and then pulled on tall rubber boots before jumping into the cold shallow water. "Hand me that basket," he said, pointing.
    She did as he asked, then watched him slosh his way to shore, set the basket on a rock and then return. "Now your turn." He held out his arms.
    "My turn. You plan on giving all your guests this kind of personal service?"
    An eyebrow lifted and he put on a deep brogue for her benefit. "Nay, not all lass."
    "You sound just like Hamish."
    He scrubbed a hand down his face and smiled. "I can do a wicked Sean Connery too."
    "I'll bet."
    They stood there for a long moment. Him staring up at her as she stared down at him. "I really don't see how this is going to work."
    "Just put your knee onto the ledge."
    Fearing it'd be a disaster, she grabbed his hand, and managed to get her knee onto the ledge of the boat. Ian moved closer. "Wrap your arms around my neck, and I'll pull you off."
    She started laughing. "Are you serious? You're either trying to put the moves on me or get me soaking wet."
    Ian cocked his head and thought it over. "Both sounds good to me." He chuckled. "Come on, lassie, let's give it a go. Once I pull you away, wrapped your legs around my waist, and I'll walk you to shore."
    "That sounds really naughty," she couldn't help laugh, leaning forward, both hands on his wide shoulders, as he wrapped his arms around her middle.
    "Get your mind out of the gutter, Walker."
    "Me. You're the one who said 'wrap your legs around my waist'," she echoed in a very bad Scottish accent as he pulled her off the boat. She screamed and held on tight. The last thing she wanted was a cold dip in the loch. One of Ian's arms supported her rear end, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as tightly as she could.
    Even with the rain gear separating them, it felt as naughty as it had sounded.
    As he turned, he stumbled. Lucy screamed. "Oh my God, we are so going to fall!"
    Ian sputtered a few curses. "Good God,

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