The Breeder

Free The Breeder by Eden Bradley

Book: The Breeder by Eden Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eden Bradley
Tags: Romance
pounding through her like a storm, fed by the importance of what lay ahead. Sharpened by the possible finality of this one act.
    She held perfectly still, waiting, wanting this moment to last as long as possible, no matter her hunger for him. She smiled to Akaash, and it was as though he was drinking her in with his eyes. She could read so much emotion there, pouring out of him and into her heart.
    The crowd was going wild. And still she did not move, but only stared into Akaash’s eyes.
    She loved him.
    He tried to lift his hand, to reach for her, but the ropes allowed him only a few inches of movement. But it was enough, that effort. To see his need.
    He wanted her. And she was going to have him, inside her body. Now.
    Her sex went tight and wet. She went down on her knees, her sex open to him. The tip of his erect cock grazed her opening, and she sighed. Tilting her hips, she ground down, impaling her body on his.

Chapter Five
    Nitara moaned as Akaash began to pump, his hips thrusting, his cock driving into her. There was pleasure, then pain. But it was gone in moments, dimmed by the other sensations—his skin against hers, his body, which was hard and strong. And his scent, stronger now and mixing with hers, now that he was a part of her.
    She was only vaguely aware of the chanting of the priestesses, the dim roar of the crowd. All she knew was Akaash, the pleasure surging through her body as she rocked against him.
    His gaze was on hers, glittering in the light of the torches and candles. She saw his pleasure, an exquisite agony on his face. His cock was solid muscle, driving deep. She bowed over him, taking him deeper, her sex holding him inside her. And his hands…he had only enough slack in the ropes to raise them to her thighs, to grip her there. They were rough, the skin hardened, but impossibly warm. She wanted them everywhere: on her face, her breasts, pulling on her swollen nipples. And in her soaking wet cleft, pushing inside her, pinching her hard clitoris…
    If they lived through this, she would feel his hands on her, his arms around her.
    He whispered through gritted teeth, “No matter what, this is worth it, Nitara.”
    She raised herself over him, came plunging down, trying to take him even deeper. Her climax was like a swarm of pleasure, waiting, waiting. And as his body tensed beneath her, his cock seemed to swell, to pulse inside her, sending her over that keen edge. She came, shattering, pleasure a brilliant, blinding light. She moaned. He groaned, writhed. She felt his hot come shooting inside her. And when she opened her eyes, still trembling, his dark gaze was hard on hers, as always, as though he looked inside her very soul.
    She pulled the dagger from its sheath, raised it over her head. The crowd roared for blood. And through that noise she whispered, desperation like a hot tide, threatening to drown her, “Akaash, know that I love you.”
    “As I love you,” he said, his voice low. “Whether we live or die. Even if I must die by your hand.”
    She was shaking all over. She whispered to the Goddess, but not for a child, as was the custom. But for mercy.
    She glanced up at Nikkan, who nodded, and she watched as he spilled the brazier of burning sage onto the trail of oil he’d spread throughout the Temple earlier. Flames shot into the air, bursting from every side, from between the feet of the watching citizens, even as far as the altar itself. A priestess screamed. And Nitara brought the dagger down in one hard stroke.
    Akaash rolled to the side as the blade cut his ropes. He grabbed the dagger from Nitara, pulling her into his arms as he leapt to his feet. He saw Nikkan pushing his way through the frantic crowd, saw the High Priestess Xian being pulled to safety behind the altar by her Sun Guard, Hel. Then Nikkan was at their side, grabbing Nitara’s arm and guiding them into the crowd of panicked men.
    “Stay with me,” Nikkan yelled.
    Nitara was trembling in his arms, but her

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