Burning Up

Free Burning Up by Marie Coulson

Book: Burning Up by Marie Coulson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Coulson
Tags: Romance, Adult
college, your family and your friends. Regret it?”
    I shook my head and smiled. “No. My only regret is that I still haven’t seen enough of this city. What do you say we get out of here and explore?”
    Grabbing his keys and cell, he held out a hand for me to take. Gripping it tightly, I pulled myself up off the couch and headed for the door. Daniel followed behind, locking up as we left. The elevator arrived almost instantly, and I couldn’t help but stare at that damn ‘P’ button the entire ride down.
    “It’s just walls, floors , and furniture. It’s nothing compared to what he shares with you. Trust me. I’ve known him a long time and he’s never let anyone, man or woman, into his home or the apartment that the two of you share. It’s not his style. But you, you’re different. He loves you. I can tell.”
    Taking my hand, Daniel gave it a light squeeze. “Seriously. Forget about it. It’ll only drive you crazy if you don’t.”
    He was right. It was already driving me crazy. It made sense that Jared would naturally have a place for entertaining, but it bothered me nonetheless. Especially when Daniel was so keen to keep me away from it. It was too suspicious, but in the name of trust and to keep my sanity intact for the day, I had to let it go.
    Stepping out of the elevator, we walked across the lobby to the doors where Jimmy was standing with a small poodle. He was yelling at it to ‘make ,’ and I giggled as the animal cocked a leg against Jimmy’s pants. Daniel roared with laughter as we pushed through the doors and onto the busy street.
    “I hate this dog. I’m sure it does this to me on purpose you know. Last week I swear it shit on the floor by my desk deliberately. I slipped and skid in that pile in front of some of the most important people in the building. I hate this dog.” He shook his leg and gave the animal a stern look.
    “Dude, maybe your ex-wife trained it. I mean, she was always landing you in shit.” I laughed loudly as Jimmy gave Daniel the finger
    “Thanks, Dan. I’ll keep that in mind. Though, if it were my ex-wife, I’m pretty sure he’d be castrated, too. Poor mutt. That bitch was a ball-breaker.”
    Shrugging, Daniel chuckled. “Whatever, dude. We’re heading into the city. Finally doing some sightseeing.”
    Jimmy grinned at me and pointed at Daniel with his thumb. “Guy lives here four years and this is the first time I’ve seen him take a day off and see the place. You’re a good influence on him.”
    I smiled and hooked my arm in Daniel’s. “That’s what friends are for. Can we bring you back some lunch? I’m dying to get a New York bagel.”
    Shaking his head, Daniel tutted. “No, he’s watching his waistline. Gotta look the part in this job. Why do you think I work out so much?” I stood back and looked Jimmy up and down. He was muscular, but noticeably not as broad as Jared and Daniel.
    “We’re not just a concierge and a driver. We have to act as security , too. I’m never off duty in this building, and Dan is Mr. Garrett’s personal protection.”
    I stared at Daniel wide -eyed. I had often wondered if he was Jared’s bodyguard, but he’d always brushed off my comments. Seeing my reaction, he clarified.
    “I’m not his bodyguard. I make sure the house is secure , and it’s my job to keep track of anyone he doesn’t want to see. Like Alicia Felix and her husband …”
    I nodded. Felix . That was someone I didn’t want to see ever again. If he dropped dead it would be a service to the human population. “And, you know exactly where they are?”
    My voice quivered with a slight fear that I hadn’t expected as the question left my lips. Daniel placed his hand on my arm reassuringly and whispered in my ear.
    “They’re nowhere near anywhere that you are, and that’s all you need to know. I make sure of it and so does Mr. Garrett.” I smiled and nodded again.
    I wasn’t entirely convinced that Felix was the type to stay gone for long ,

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