The Sinner's Bargain (Contracts & Deceptions #2)

Free The Sinner's Bargain (Contracts & Deceptions #2) by Claire Contreras

Book: The Sinner's Bargain (Contracts & Deceptions #2) by Claire Contreras Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Contreras
unclenched his jaw, his eyes dark with a lust that equaled hers. Her hand left his erection to throw her arms around his neck, unable to wait any longer to press herself against him. And Colin didn’t make her. His lips claimed hers with an intensity that bruised, a desire that burned, and a need that could only be described as primal. In that moment, history didn’t exist outside of what they’d made together.
    The kiss broke after long moments. Still clutching the other in their desperation, they searched the other’s eyes to gauge willingness to continue.
    “Turn around,” Colin said, finding his answer, his voice commanding and rough. Amara didn’t argue, she turned her back on him and faced the city again. “Put your hands on the glass.”
    “Your tits look so good in the reflection,” he murmured, raking his short finger nails from her waist to her rib cage, the sensation making her shiver. “You’re wet right now, aren’t you?” he whispered as he pressed against her. He felt so hard she had a visual of his dick ripping through the fabric of his pants.
    “Are you?” he asked holding the weight of her breasts in his hands as his thumbs began to stroke against her nipples again.
    Amara’s head fell back on to his chest. “Yes.”
    He squeezed her nipples and she shimmied beneath him. “Yes, what?”
    “Yes, Colin,” she whimpered, hoping that was the right answer.
    “I don’t want to hear anyone else’s name slip out of that mouth of yours, understood? Your mouth is mine. I own it. Colin. Not anyone else.”
    Her eyes fluttered shut as he continued to play her body like an instrument. She wanted to be owned by him—to be fucked by him.
    Colin dropped his hands and pushed the dress off of her hips where it still draped. He held her hand as she stepped out of it and kicked it away with the toe of his shoe. He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, undid his belt and pants, and pulled down his boxers until he freed his massive girth.
    “Take your panties off. I want you naked. Completely naked for me, Amara.”
    His eyes were heavily lidded with lust as he looked at her hungrily and massaged his cock in his hands. She wanted to take it away from him, but she did as she was told and quickly took off her lingerie, leaving her heels on.
    “Your shoes too. Everything.” His voice was strained; his large hand covered his rigid cock as he pumped it up and down. Amara was nearly panting, her need was so overwhelming. She slipped off her heels and faced him, her raven hair draped over her shoulders and covered her breasts.
    “Turn around and face the window,” he demanded.
    She did.
    “Open your legs,” he growled, sliding a hand up each leg only to stop when his fingers reached her dripping folds. “It feels like I’m going to have a heart attack just by looking at you like this. Having you here—knowing it’s not my imagination playing tricks on me.”
    His hands roughly squeezed her thighs, making her flinch, and, as he kneeled behind her, Amara looked down to see his knees between her legs. It seemed as if he was examining her hot center, brushing over her folds, her clit, simply touching and teasing. Without warning, Colin’s tongue replaced his fingers and Amara gasped at the intensity of the sensation. She flattened her hands against the window as she tried to steady herself against the tongue lashing between her legs.
    “I’ve missed this,” he said, making an appraising sound as he sucked her clit into his mouth.
    She could only moan in agreement, circling her hips against his face. Colin spread her ass cheeks apart and leaned into her, his tongue disappearing inside her as he feasted on her juices. An appreciative sound rumbled from his throat and Amara felt it all the way through her body. Her legs began to weaken and her arms felt like rubber, sliding down the glass as the pressure in her body built to capacity. Light exploded in her vision as an orgasm rocked through her, the

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