A Moment Like This

Free A Moment Like This by Leen Elle

Book: A Moment Like This by Leen Elle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leen Elle
    Once the police had escorted an irate Haruko away Selah turned to Michael. "Why did you step between us? He wouldn't have hit me!"
Yeah," he rejoined in a deep cynicism, "he's just the gentleman not to."
    Selah looked into his eyes with wetness gathering in the corners of her own. "I should have listened to you, Mike, but I never thought it would come to this. If I had known…"
Cheer up, Sey," Dante heartened tossing an arm about her slim shoulders jovially. "It's all over now."
But it's not. Even if I block everything out he'll still come after me. He knows where I work. He knows…"
Lighten up," Dante encouraged, "you just have to be more careful for a bit."
But if I had listened to Mike," she protested.
If you always listened to Mike you would have no fun at all."
If she always listened to you," Mike began to growl in return.
Please, no more fighting. There's been enough for one day."
I agree," Mike concurred.
    Defeated Dante stepped back from Selah as her head waitress approached. "Becky was able to come in for you, Miss. Donovan. We can handle it here if you need some time to recover. It must have been scary having that man come after you like that."
    Taking a deep breath, Selah exhaled. "What I need is to stay busy." Her hand was shaking almost unperceivable as she removed several strands of hair from her lying on her cheek. "Yes, it's best if I stay here."
    "I hate to ask this of you," Promise said switching topics over one of their evening cups of coffee, "but Mrs. Helen has been refusing her pills again."
    "Why should that be any bother to me?"
    "She's asked if you could come visit her. She said as long as you came she'd take her pills without complaint. She didn't want to lose another man to her stubbornness. I told her it was quite impossible but she insisted. I hate to intrude on your weekends but…"
    "She doesn't think I'll buy her more roses does she? That little old lady could make me broke."
    "She just wants someone to talk to."
    "I bet there are a lot of patients there who just want someone to talk to," he spoke thoughtfully, his fingers running along the smooth surface of the mug. "What's one day a week for such a sweet person?"
    "You're a life saver, Colin!"
    "Let's not be dramatic, Prick. I know you're at your wits end with Mrs. Helen but I'm hardly a life saver. I haven't saved a single life that's come to my examination table."
    "You've hardly had the chance."
    "Touché my fine lady," Colin responded with a merrily compliant smile, "just the same I'm not the knight in shining armor you make me out to be. My charm is lost on all but the most time wizened of all."
    "You haven't make may advances fair sir."
    "My princess is locked away in a tower behind glass walls."
    Promise chuckled at his poetic expression and asked teasingly, "and who is this princess of whom you speak?"
    Colin choked on his coffee. "You of course fair maiden," he sent back in the most teasing tone he could muster.
    "Come on, Colin. Be serious," she insisted between giggles, "who is she? Do I know her?"
    "You know her but I don't want her to know. I think it's best if I don't tell you."
    "But you tell me everything," she protested weakly. "Please?"
    "Sorry Promise. Not this time."
    She was quiet for a moment as she sipped her coffee then gave a small smile. "Aidan agreed we need to talk. I'm meeting him at the Half Shell tomorrow."
    "Did he still sound upset?"
    "Yeah, but understandably so. He was really looking forward to that weekend." Promise cocked her head at Colin's pressed lips. "What's wrong now?"
    "I bet he was looking forward to that weekend," Colin muttered to himself.
    "What do you mean by that?"
    "He's still after the same thing he was in high school, Prick. Open your eyes."
    "He wants to marry me," she insisted as always.
    "Perhaps but that's not the only or first thing on his mind if it even is."
    "What do you mean by that?"
    "He wants your body, Promise."
    "Is there something wrong

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