Crimson Sunrise

Free Crimson Sunrise by J. A. Saare

Book: Crimson Sunrise by J. A. Saare Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. A. Saare
Tags: Romance, General Fiction
up. “My parents would defend you with their lives.”
    “I don’t want anyone defending me with their lives.” I closed my eyes and battled fresh tears. I wasn’t afraid for me. My heart was attached elsewhere, existing outside of my body, beating for someone more substantial than myself.
    “Just come back to me.”
    “I will,” he promised, bringing his mouth over mine and easing my fears by blocking out the rest of the world around us.
    It looked like a full-swing-ass-kicking convention on the Blackney front lawn. Everyone was dressed in black, shit-kickers were out in force, and leather jackets were the outerwear of choice. Dark, unmarked vans were parked on the grass, blocking out the gravel and fence just past.
    I sat on the porch, watching them prepare. Caleb had asked Sarah to stay and she was reluctant to do so until she comprehended the level of my distress. She didn’t like being apart from Derek, but being a consummate friend, she said yes. She and Derek retreated into the house to spend time alone together before the pack departed.
    I couldn’t say I blamed her.
    Haven stepped up on the porch, his broad body blocking out the sun, before he plopped into the rocker next to me. “This is hardly the time or place, but I have something for you.”
    He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and produced a small piece of yellow paper. He held it out between his fingers, waiting for me to take it.
    “What’s this?” I asked and opened the paper to reveal an address. The handwriting was neat, the words clear.
    “That is somewhere I think you should visit.” Haven looked out at everyone in the yard. “Her grandson is an old acquaintance of mine. Have Sarah take you while we’re gone.”
    “And why would I want to see this person?” My lips pursed as I read the words written on the paper.
    “My friend, John, always told me crazy shit about his mamaw. She claimed she could speak with spirits and commune with the dead. Of course, I thought she was as crazy as a loon and had seen The Evil Dead one too many times. Then one day she said she knew what I was.”
    When my attention snapped to his face, wanting to be sure I heard him correctly, he grinned and nodded. “She claimed the ghosts around me told her. When I blew her off and got up to leave, she got pissed. She reached for her walking stick and the fucking thing flew across the room”—Haven made the motion of something flying over to his outstretched fingers before closing them into a fist—“and landed right in her hand. She proceeded to chase me out of the house, telling me she knew all about our kind. I never went back after that, but maybe I should have listened.”
    “And you think I want to go toe-to-toe with this deranged person who chases people with walking sticks?” I frowned at him. “Are you out of your mind?”
    “I think there are things that all of us need to be aware of here. I never told anyone about John’s mamaw. I was too embarrassed. And to be honest with you, I was too fucking creeped out by that shit. But after I saw you at my place, it came together. You did the same thing with those keys, the exact same shit.” He wasn’t relaxed anymore, his body tense. I imagined a random loud noise could send him rocketing somewhere into the Northern Hemisphere.
    “Okay, I’ll go check it out.” I nodded and he relaxed.
    “John’s a cool cat, you’ll like him. I called a couple days back, before all this shit went down. He knows to expect you.”
    Caleb walked around the vans and Haven stood. Lowering his head, he nodded at Caleb as he strode past him and walked back to the waiting group.
    “What was that about?” Caleb asked.
    “Remember that little conversation we had at the Pit? When Haven wanted us to go see someone together?” Caleb nodded and I lifted the paper into the air. “This is the address to some crazy stick wielding lunatic granny Haven says I have to go see.”
    He cocked an eyebrow, a smile

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