This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4)

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Book: This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4) by Theresa L. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa L. Henry
eyes closed and her head moving from side to side.
    Jake knew she was
close, he could feel the start of the ripples that would soon overtake her
    “Then do it now,
lovely. Let me feel and hear you come for me,” Jake purred into her ear.
    When her inner
walls gripped his long fingers, Jake fastened his mouth against hers and
inhaled her cries of pleasure. Unable to help himself, Jake kissed her as
though his very life depended on it.
    With reluctance
Jake pulled away from their passion filled kiss. For the first time, he fully
understood that with the right woman, a kiss could outweigh full blown sex.
    “I think I should
leave before things go any further.” Jake knew his words would break the spell
that surrounded them.
    He also knew he
had done the right thing by calling a halt to their encounter. However, it
didn’t stop him from feeling guilty because his words were the cause of the
look of uncertainty she was unable to hide.
    “You’re right of
course... you should go.” While she was speaking MacKenzie attempted to move
out of his embrace, but Jake refused to release her.
    “Whatever you’re
thinking, you’re wrong!”
    “You have no idea
what the hell I’m thinking; so why don’t you just let me go so you can get the
hell out of my house!”
    Again MacKenzie
had managed to hear his words and somehow distort them. He didn’t like when she
did it, and he was beginning to see a pattern. It was a survival mechanism that
she employed in order to keep him at arm’s length. Now that he recognized the
cause of her abrasiveness towards him, he could begin to formulate a plan of
    In a show of sheer
strength, Jake rose to his feet with MacKenzie still in his arms. Her yelp of
surprise gained her a curious look. Jake repositioned his grip and allowed her
to slide down his body, the hem of her dress falling into place.
    Before her feet
touched the floor, he wanted her to be left in no doubt as to just how strong
his reaction was to her. The widening of her eyes as she came into contact with
the ridge of his arousal was almost comical.
    Setting her down,
Jake stood back and ran a hand down her arms and brought one hand to his lips,
and placed a tender kiss in the middle of her palm. “Will you see me out?”
    Thinking that this
was a night of firsts, Jake was amazed when MacKenzie’s only acknowledgement
was a silent nod.
    With her hand
still held in his, Jake retrieved his jacket and headed for the door. Before
stepping through, he gave MacKenzie one last lingering kiss.
    Jake waited until
MacKenzie closed and secured her door before making his way to his car. The
same feeling that had assailed him in the restaurant returned; he felt as
though he was being watched. Knowing better than to stop moving, Jake’s eyes
darted around the quiet street. Even as he got into his vehicle his
surveillance of his surroundings continued. That he saw and heard nothing out
of place was what worried him the most. Unwilling to leave before he felt
assured that MacKenzie was not in any danger; Jake sat in his car until he
could no longer feel the disturbing presence.
    Inside the
apartment, MacKenzie was still in a state of confusion about her feelings
towards Jake. Stripping off her clothes, she was on her way to the bathroom
when her home phone began to ring. Her first thought was that it was Carlos and
that something had happened to the baby. Her heart dropped.
    Rushing to the
nightstand, she snatched up the handset and all but shouted into it. “Hello?”
Silence. Nothing but silence. There was no crackle to denote a faulty
connection, just a sinister eerie silence.
    “Who is this?”
MacKenzie demanded. Silence was her only response. Two seconds later MacKenzie
slammed down the handset and sat staring at it; unsure of what had just

    Chapter 11
    Somehow, Jason had
been persuaded to become a part of the Kingdom family business, but he still
remained by and large on the periphery. He had his

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