This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4)

Free This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4) by Theresa L. Henry

Book: This Game Called Life (Kingdom Book 4) by Theresa L. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa L. Henry
had held her in his
arms might just be an impression that was only a part of his imagination.
    Moving his fingers
against her face, Jake marveled at the softness of her skin. As his lips
followed the path of his fingers, he knew his time was up, but he didn’t want
to rush her. His control of their encounter was tentative enough. Instead of
kissing her the way his mind and body urged him to, Jake placed gentle kisses
against her face. Moving closer to her neck, he stopped for a moment and ran a
wet tongue against her ear.
breathlessness was the undoing of all his good intentions. Pulling her tightly against
him, Jake moved her head to the side and pressed his lips against hers.
    The touch of their
lips against each other’s was all it took for his libido to reach maximum. The
way she responded to him gave him the reassurance that he had occupied at least
some of her thoughts since the last time they had been together.
    No sooner had
Jake’s tongue pressed against her lips, she opened for him. Each of them wholly
invested in renewing their memory of how the other felt and tasted. Just
kissing MacKenzie was probably one of the most erotically charged encounters
Jake had ever experienced. As each pressed closer, Jake deepened the kiss, his
tongue sparring with hers until he felt as though he wanted to devour her.
    The sounds of
their passion filled kisses brought with it another elevation in what Jake was
feeling. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her body pressed against his as she
moved in perfect harmony with him.
    Jake wanted more,
he wanted to feel her, taste her, and know what it was like to be buried deep inside
her. This might not be their time but before he left her would at least begin
to appease his need for her.
    “I want to make
love to you,” Jake purred into the stillness that surrounded them.
    MacKenzie sucked
in a deep breath and Jake found that he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her
passion filled expression.
    He knew MacKenzie
wanted him just as much as he wanted her, but it was too soon. Their time would
come, of that he was sure. It just wasn’t now. In the meantime, he would give
them both something that would last until their next encounter.
    Dipping his head,
Jake took her lips in a searing kiss. He didn’t ask for permission, he took
what he wanted, and she met his every stroke; their touch filled with a dark heat.
    Taking hold of her
unresisting hand, he moved it to the evidence of his arousal. Pulling their wet
mouths apart, Jake spoke against her lips. “Do you feel that, MacKenzie? Do you
feel what you do to me? This is what I want to bury so deep inside you that you
scream my name.”
    While he was speaking
his hand hadn’t been idle. As MacKenzie massaged him, Jake brushed his fingertips
against her smooth leg, each stroke bringing him closer to his first touch of
    When his fingers
encountered her backside, Jake grinned at her. “Really MacKenzie, commando,
well aren’t you just full of surprises. When we were dancing, did you wonder
how it would feel if I had known?” By the time he was finished with his
question, his fingers were rubbing against her wetness. Oh, she was definitely
wet for him.
    Circling his
fingers, Jake opened her to his touch. MacKenzie groaned and writhed against
his hand.
    “Did you fantasize
that if I knew, even with all those people around us; I would have slipped my
hand up your skirt? That I would do exactly what I’m doing now. Would you have
liked that, MacKenzie? Would you have come for me, even with all those
strangers dancing around us?”
    “Jake!” MacKenzie
finally gasped out.
    Jake pulled her
hand away from him and wrapped one of her legs around his back. When she was
open to him, he inserted two fingers inside her. His thumb found and stroked
her clit in with expert ease. “Tell me if you would have come for me,
MacKenzie. Would you have come, even with all those strangers around us?”
    “Yes,” MacKenzie
panted, her

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