
Free Polished by Alyssa Turner

Book: Polished by Alyssa Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Turner
Tags: Erotic Romance, menage, mmf
I’m sure you want to get out of those disgusting clothes.” She shook her head. “I didn’t mean your clothes are disgusting, they aren’t…they’re nice…or they were…just that you were stuck in that god-awful tunnel.”
    “As you can see, we are really accustomed to guests,” Spencer joked. He put his arm around Rory like he knew she needed the reassurance. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll lend you a pair of pajama bottoms and a T-shirt for the night.”
    Jack didn’t have the heart to tell him he usually slept nude. The fact was, he usually slept nude because he usually wasn’t alone. “Thanks, but I really need a shower.”
    Rory looked mortified. “Of course you do. And you must be starving. Both of you.”
    “Don’t go to any trouble for me,” Jack interjected. “I’m sure I could get a pizza delivered or something.”
    “Not this late,” Spencer interrupted. “Sorry, man. You are officially in the sticks up here. Nothing stays open past ten o’clock.”
    “I’ll whip up something while you’re in the shower.” Rory dodged to the kitchen, calling out from inside the fridge. “I’ve got some veggies and…hmmm…some chorizo sausage.” She popped up over the counter. “You’re not a vegetarian, are you?”
    Jack shook his head, tilting it as he spoke through a half grin. “I’ve been called lots of things, but never that.”
    Rory giggled and sighed in amusement. “Tell me then, Jack. Of all the things people call you, what do you answer to?”
    Jack felt the telltale rumble low in his chest drawing him toward the hunt. His nostrils flared just slightly, like a wolf on a scent. She was flirting, even if she hadn’t intended to be taken seriously. Jack was more than familiar with the subtlety of women. He licked his lips and a smoldering smile appeared like a reflex. Jack was a hunter, all right. But Rory wasn’t on the menu for tonight, or ever for that matter. He’d have to put the wolf back in its cage.
    “Just call me hungry. Whatever you make, I’m sure it will be delicious.” He pointed a thumb toward Spencer. “This guy couldn’t stop talking about your good cooking.”
    Spencer was looking at them quizzically, his eyes darting back and forth from one to the other. “Yeah, she’s a great cook. Listen, the bathroom is down the hall, second door on the left. There ought to be some fresh towels on the shelf in there.”
    “Cool. Thanks.” Jack took the hint and headed off to the bathroom. Seemed like Jack wasn’t the only one who had picked up on the energy in the air. He grumbled a curse to himself on the way down the hall and promised to make it at least until tomorrow without trying to charm the pants off someone.
    * * *
    Spencer situated himself on one of the counter stools facing the kitchen. His face was full of curiosity. “What was that?”
    Rory flipped her hair out of her face and frowned back at him. “Huh? What was what?”
    He pointed in the direction of the hall bath, where the water was beating onto the floor of the tub in a distant hiss. “That.”
    “Spence. You’re not making yourself any clearer.”
    Spencer shook his head. “OK, maybe it was just me, but…nah, forget it.”
    Rory shrugged. “Forgotten.” She leaned over and kissed him sweetly on the lips.
    Then Rory started slicing a zucchini. Spencer picked up a carrot and began to peel it. He was careful to get all the rough skin off for her before handing it over. They were both silent until she took it from him, her thumb lingering on his hand with a soft circular stroke.
    “I know how horrible it must have been for you in that tunnel…the water. I would have been there sooner…I just didn’t know. I feel terrible.”
    “Don’t do that. You’re the only reason we got out when we did.”
    “I’m just glad you weren’t alone.” Rory glanced down the hall. “He’s not such a prick after all, huh?”
    Spencer had to smile at that. “No, he isn’t. I got to

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