
Free F-Stop by Desiree Holt

Book: F-Stop by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
close. Since our parents died we only have each other.”
    “Okay, let’s see what the Dragonslayer’s got so far,” Mark said, turning on his BlackBerry and scrolling through it.
    Kat raised her eyebrows. “The Dragonslayer?”
    “Andy. Our resident geek. He runs the super-duper computer back in Baltimore that Dan Romeo, our senior partner, dubbed the Dragon. Hence the name.”
    “Okay, here we go.” Mark was punching buttons on his BlackBerry. “Names and phone numbers at Wright International. Ron Pelley, the executive veep. Andy sent his private numbers for home and office. Let’s start with him.” He tapped in the number.
    Kat curled her hands around her coffee mug once again, willing herself to a calmness she didn’t feel as Mark spoke into his phone. Mike sat down next to her and almost casually draped his arm across the back of her chair, his hand lightly squeezing her shoulder. Just from that tiny contact his warmth and assurance seeped into her.
    When she turned her head to look at him, he said in a low voice, “Things will be fine.
    We’ll take care of it.”
    And somehow she knew he would.
    “Okay.” Mark looked at everyone. “Pelley says he didn’t expect to hear from his boss until sometime today. He’s got Rand Prescott’s number at his office and all the rest of the information he might need. Apparently Prescott and Eli Wright have partnered on some projects. Pelley also said he’d check on the security detail who were supposed to be watching the Wright party while they were in San Diego. He expects to be there in about thirty minutes.”
    “Is there anyone else who might know what’s going on?” Kat was sure the only reason her voice was so steady was because of Mike’s presence and his reassuring touch.
    Mark nodded and began punching in more numbers. “I’m calling Ryan Post, Sydney Wright’s brother. Pelley didn’t mention him but Andy got all his numbers, including the office he has for the string of spas he owns.” Faith raised an eyebrow. “Spas?”
    Mark shrugged. “To each his own. Yeah, Mr. Post? This is Mark Halloran of the Phoenix Agency. Sorry if I woke you. I’m a little worried about your sister and her family and I’m hoping you can put my mind at rest.”
    Again they all listened to the one-sided conversation, Kat strung as taut as a bow, waiting for whatever answer Mark might be able to get. But when he disconnected he just shook his head.
    “He has no idea either. He’s leaving for his office right now and he said he’ll do what he can to try tracking them down. I gave him my cell but I think we should check on him after we see Pelley.”
    “Don’t these people keep phone numbers with them?” Faith asked. “You guys never go anywhere without a list a mile long.”
    Mark shrugged. “Everyone operates differently. And Ryan Post may not be on the best terms with his sister. Andy says a couple of stories he found hinted there was some kind of bad blood there.”
    “Wonderful,” Mike grunted.
    “What kind of bad blood?” Faith wanted to know.
    “The articles he found mostly had to do with their parents’ estate,” Mike told her.
    “He found one article written about the time they were killed in a plane crash.
    Apparently they left a sizable estate. The other one was a year later, something about final disposition of the assets.”
    Faith made a sound of disgust. “Nothing like a few bucks to bring out the worst in people.”
    “I can’t believe a man like Eli Wright would go off with his family and not tell people how to contact him,” Kat cried. “He runs a multibillion-dollar business, for god’s sake.”
    “He’d leave that information at the office,” Mike reminded her. “And we’re calling Pelley there in a few minutes.”
    “What about trying someone at San Diego?” Faith suggested. “If they stopped there for lunch and refueling, someone might know what’s going on.” She looked at Kat.

    “And if you saw something you

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