Texas Tangle

Free Texas Tangle by Leah Braemel

Book: Texas Tangle by Leah Braemel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Braemel
Tags: Book/Menage
his hearing, Brett followed Tiny from the raucous bar into the only slightly less noisy parking lot. He ignored the couple going at it in the cab of the pick-up three trucks down and stopped in front of Tiny’s squad car.
    “I’ll add the truck’s description and license to the B.O.L.O., see if it’s shown up anywhere, but I wouldn’t hold up much hope that you’ll find Ms. Kimball’s belongings.” Tiny climbed into his car, but left the door open and one foot on the ground. “She still stayin’ out at Dillon’s place?”
    “You were sayin’ earlier that you’re stayin’ out there too.”
    “Yeah, Dillon’s worried Phil might come back with some buddies, hoping to score more cash.” Not to mention Dillon wasn’t about to give Nik a shot at slipping out from under him. Literally. “Figured she’d be safer over at his place. I’m stayin’ over just to make sure no one comes round when Dillon’s at work.”

    That earned him a slow nod. “Considering what he did to you back in high school, I’m surprised he asked you. Or that you agreed.”
    “Yeah, well, that was a long time ago. And he apologized.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned at the college boy stumbling down the stairs from the bar. Looked like they’d have to break out the breathalyzer if that dumbass tried to get behind a wheel tonight. Once the kid finished puking, that is.
    Shooting him a knowing look, Tiny unwrapped a stick of gum. “So how come you ain’t asking her out? If I remember the story rightly, you were the one she was kissin’ at Tater O’Neill’s party. Not Golden Boy Barnett.”
    “Hey, back off. Dillon’s a good guy.”
    “Not sayin’ he’s not. But I don’t understand why you’re letting him chase after a woman you’ve had your eye on all these years. It don’t make no sense.”
    “It does to me.”
    Careful not to disturb the softly snoring Dillon, Nikki rolled out of bed. She padded downstairs, not bothering to turn on any lights, and found her way to the kitchen. It wasn’t until she opened the fridge door that she noticed Brett sitting at the table, nursing a beer, watching her. As soon as he realized she’d seen him, his beer bottle became his object of interest.
    “Hey,” she said softly. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
    “Got in about an hour ago,” he told the bottle.
    An hour ago. She winced. No wonder she hadn’t heard him—she and Dillon had been making love about then. Dillon had been particularly vigorous. And particularly loud.
    Heat spreading across her cheeks, she ducked her head and looked into the fridge. Poor Brett, having to listen to them. She made a vow to try to be quieter next time.
    Once she’d poured herself a glass of milk, she slid onto the bench across from him. He was still in his uniform, though his hat lay on the table between them. She took a sip of her milk. When she raised her eyes again, she caught him looking at her again. As soon as their gazes met, his skittered away. Yeah, he’d heard them.
    After a few minutes she broke the silence. “Tough shift?”
    One shoulder hitched up, then slowly dropped. “Same old, same old.”
    She reached out and touched his hand, stroking the backs of his fingers. “Dillon told me you’re going to be staying here for a while.”
    His fingers curled as he pulled away from her. “That’s what friends are for.”
    “How’d I get so lucky?”
    “Having such good friends. You. Dillon. I keep trying to figure out what I did to deserve you guys.”
    “Me? Nah, it’s all Dillon’s idea. He’s the one you deserve.” He lapsed back into silence. The stillness in the room was broken only by the crickets chirping outside and the tick of the wall clock’s pendulum. Each time she took a sip of her milk, his eyes would flick up to watch her. Then once she lowered the glass, he’d drop his gaze and resume his examination of his now empty beer bottle.
    “You know, back in high

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