Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance)

Free Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance) by Aria Cuming

Book: Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance) by Aria Cuming Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aria Cuming
The Sons of Bacchanalia
    By Aria Cuming
    Copyright 2014 Aria Cuming
    All Rights Reserved

    The Sons of Bacchanalia
    Chapter One
    I could hear the raucous laughter and cheers even over the noise of the shower.  I sighed heavily, irritated by the company as it was already getting late and I had to work in the morning.  My best friend, Victoria (whom I call ‘Tori’ for short), had moved in with me just three weeks ago.  I was trying to help her financially and get her started in her new job, hopefully getting her into her own place within a month or so. But all she had been doing so far was living off me and partying almost daily.  As I dried my hair I cringed as I realized I didn’t bring anything to change in to. 
    I wrapped my towel tightly around myself and cracked the door, peeking out, hoping for a clean getaway to my room.  I was relieved to see the crowd filing out the front door.  I waited until the room grew silent and slowly walked out to my room. Once safely there I shut the door with just enough space to observe my friend.  She was in the doorway with a man, his black-leathered arms wrapped around her, with rough hands groping her ample bottom eagerly.  I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t help watching. His hands went deeper and pulled her tiny dress up over her hips.  I could see that she wasn’t wearing panties.  He lifted her easily and as her legs spread around his hips he dipped his hand between her cheeks and briefly into the exposed pink flesh.  I cast my eyes down and pulled the door almost closed to further conceal myself. As they turned and moved out of view I briefly caught a glance of the back of the man’s jacket. Just above Tori’s legs was a large 69/86 symbol. I assumed it had something to do with the biker gang he was in. I closed my bedroom door and put my clothes on.
    Several seconds later the deafening roar of engines shook the house.  I crept from the bedroom and peeked through the living room curtains, taking in the bizarre scene of at least twelve bikers circling my bare-bottomed friend.  I cringed as I thought about my landlord who lived above me, and could only hope that she wasn’t home and awake to observe the spectacle.  I was angry at Tori for her disrespect, but at the same time I felt a sexual surge of electricity between my thighs.  Part of me was jealous.  I had the brains and she had the fun.  It wasn’t as if I couldn’t attract men, I just had a harder time swallowing the bullshit that went along with the vast majority of them.
    I watched as Tori stumbled towards the house, the roar slowly fading as the motorcycles vanished around the corner.  I watched as she struggled to keep upright.  Trying to be a role model, I crossed my arms and sternly watched as she drunkenly slid down the door as she opened it.  She looked up and me and giggled while teetering into the living room. 
    “Oh , Natasha! Stop!  I had such a good time! You want me to be happy, don’t you?
    I tried to look disappointed but I couldn’t help softening towards her.  Victoria had lost her virginity at only thirteen when one of her mother’s lovers manipulated her into sleeping with him.  She struggled for years to cope with the pain of her memories and only now was she coming out of her shell.  I couldn’t hold it against her entirely. 
    Softening towards her I asked, “Who were those guys?” 
    She giggled and spoke incoherently. 
    Her giggling continued as she curled into a ball and fell silent, her eyes closed while her dress was still hiked up to her waist. 
    I slid down next to her and slowly traced her hair back along her forehead.  She was beautiful even like this.  Her hair was waist-length, a full, rich, chocolate-brown color.  Her body was small like mine and we were both gifted with perky tits and round asses.  Her lips were full and pouty and her eyes brilliantly blue.  People

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