
Free Limerence by Claire C Riley

Book: Limerence by Claire C Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire C Riley
comes across loud and arrogant, but inside she’s a jumble of romantic mush—no matter how much she tries to deny it.
    Two hours later and eight beers down, I can feel I’ve drunk far too much. I have been ordering a drink for Oliver every time someone has gone to the bar, thinking that he would be here soon, but then I’ve ended up drinking it myself when he hasn’t turned up. Waste not, want not seems to be my motto tonight. Now I’ve drunk twice what I would normally drink in half the amount of time.
    “Mia!” Rachael shouts over to me, interrupting my conversation with Eddy about his lovely, lovely daughter and her clever, clever husband who works for a bank .
    “What’s up?” I take another swig of my beer, knowing even as I do it that I shouldn’t have any more.
    “Chris and I are going to head over to The Red Room. Are you coming along?” She’s grinning at me from ear to ear, clearly smitten with him.
    I love The Red Room. It has live music at the weekends and holds special open-mic sessions that Oliver and I like to enter. I’m tempted to go, but I look at my watch, and see it’s past nine thirty. Now I really am beginning to worry about him. I haven’t spoken to him since he left for work this morning. He said he would be finishing early tonight and would meet me here around five thirty, but I haven’t heard a peep.
    “Let me give Ollie a call—see where he’s at.” I wobble when I stand and make my way outside where it’s quieter. It rings and rings but he doesn’t pick up. Eventually it goes to voicemail and I leave yet another message.
    The fresh air makes my head spin. I have drunk way too much and decide it’s probably best if I make a move home. I stumble back inside and grab my bag.
    “I’m going to go home.” I kneel by Rachael’s chair. “Think I’ll wait in for Ollie. I’ve still not heard from him and he’s not answering his phone.”
    She leans in and gives me a quick hug. “He’s fine, sweetie, you know what he’s like when he’s working. He probably hasn’t even noticed the time.” She looks at her watch as she says this and frowns right along with me. “Well, maybe his phone ran out of battery.” I see Chris eyeing up our conversation from over her shoulder with a grin.
    “Yeah,” I say without meaning.
    “Stop worrying, Mia; he’s a big boy now.” Chris leans over, placing his hand on Rachael’s thigh, and giving it a little squeeze. “I’m sure he’s fine. Just lost track of time I bet,” he continues, smiling even wider at me, making me feel even more childish than Rachael had. “Come on, come with us,” he pleads.
    “Okay, okay, I’ll try and stop worrying, but I really do have to get home. I shouldn’t have drunk so much,” I laugh. “My head is not going to thank me in the morning.” Even as I say it, I know it will make no difference and that I will continue to worry until Oliver’s home with me. I give Rachael a kiss on the cheek and stand back up, the beer rushing to my head once again.
    “Right, I’m off, guys. I’ll see you Monday morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” I giggle, and do a big wave and a curtsy to everyone.
    “You want me to walk you home, love?” Eddy asks like a true gentleman, sipping his Diet Coke.
    I smile at him. “No, don’t be daft, I’ll be fine. It’s only a ten minute walk. Thanks, though.” I smile appreciatively and head for the door. “Lovely to meet you, Chris. I look forward to seeing you around the college. Mary-Lou, it’s been a pleasure as always.” I do another big wave and leave into the cold night.
    The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon, and the air is beginning to chill as I pick up my pace to the apartment. I wrap my arms around myself, wishing that I hadn’t had those last two beers. Or the four before them. I wonder for the umpteenth time what could have happened to Oliver. This is beginning to get silly; if he’s not going to answer my calls, he could at least

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