Lassoed By A Dom

Free Lassoed By A Dom by Desiree Holt

Book: Lassoed By A Dom by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
Tags: Erotic Romance
don’t know where to begin.”
    Pinching a nipple again to distract her, he touched the wand briefly on each cheek of her ass, one tap on each side then two then three. She twitched at each arc of electricity and tried to push her buttocks at him to indicate she wanted more. Lust surged through him, and he had to restrain himself from turning up the voltage on the wand.
    He tapped her again, touching one place then another on that smooth, rosy skin. She jerked slightly at each tap, and by the third contact her eyes began to glaze, the first sign that she was sliding deeper into subspace. Adjusting the rigging again, he reached between her legs and drew a new pattern with the wand, sliding it up the inside of one leg and down the other, deliberately bypassing her cunt with it.
    She moaned again and tried to squeeze her legs together. She wanted that stimulation on her labia, and he was going to give it to her, but not yet. Instead, he replaced the wand with his hand, testing the wetness of her pussy, lightly scraping a fingernail over her pussy lips then dragging it over her clit. He played lightly over her sensitive skin, but when he felt the first onset of tremors, he pulled his hand away.
    “I know you want to come, but it’s not time yet.”
    “Ohh.” She tried to wiggle her butt, signaling him she was ready.
    He chuckled. “You’ll come when I’m ready to let you. But when I do, it will be well worth the wait.”
    He lifted his hand to his mouth, licking her juices from his fingers before rubbing her cunt with his palm. “You taste better than any bourbon I’ve ever had a drink of. Next time we’re together here—and trust me, there will be a next time—I think I’ll spread your legs, tie your ankles in place and eat your pussy until you scream for release.” He bent his head low to hers. “Would you like that, girl?”
    “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Anything.”
    Oh, yeah, she was so aroused. She had such a sensitive body. He thought he could play with her all night and never discover all of its secrets.
    He touched the wand to each nipple, and she cried out, trying to jerk away from the contact. But then she swallowed and whispered, “More. Please, Sir.”
    He’d give her more all right. A lot more.
    He touched each nipple again, then slid the wand down to her navel and drew a circle around her belly button. She moaned as electricity made little arcs against her skin. He moved it down further, stopping just at the curve of her mound. Placing two fingers beneath her chin, he tilted her face so he could check her status. Her eyes were completely unfocused, her mind in that soft space where there was nothing but pain and pleasure, pain and pleasure. And she craved it, more and more. She was falling deeper and deeper into subspace, dropping into that sensuous whirlpool where she craved everything he chose to do to her.
    Hefting the wand, he screwed an extender to it and attached a slender probe. Only experts would do any kind of insertion with violet wand play, but Jake had been doing this for a very long time. Turning the wand back on, he touched the tip of the probe to each nipple, rewarded by a twitch of her body. He touched the delicate spots at the back of each knee and ran the tip of the probe along the crease where each thigh met a cheek of her buttocks. Each spark of electricity elicited another jerk, another twitch, another moan. He increased the speed with which he drew patterns on her skin, sliding, skimming.
    Before long he had her writhing as much as she could considering the restraint of her bindings, and her breathing was jerky. Reaching between her legs, he separated the lips of her pussy and very slowly inserted the probe. As soon as the current hit her sensitive, wet inner tissues she jerked even harder, cried out even louder. Jake rotated his wrist so the very thin probe danced around inside her channel, the current arcing against her sensitive skin.
    “Oh, oh, oh,” she cried out.

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