Destiny's Revenge (Destiny Series - Book 2)

Free Destiny's Revenge (Destiny Series - Book 2) by Nancy Straight

Book: Destiny's Revenge (Destiny Series - Book 2) by Nancy Straight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Straight
Mr. and Mrs. McMasters. The Council would not have involved Lauren had it not determined her assistance was necessary. If Paul’s murderer was not caught, he would have executed two more families in an effort to cover up his actions. To prevent those other tragedies, a murder suspect had to be caught. By Lauren intervening in Paul’s destiny, she merely delayed the inevitable, but in the process the police looked more deeply at other suspects and did find the real killer. Had she not intervened, the killer would have escaped and may never have been stopped. Involving Lauren before the man developed any level of proficiency or thirst for murder prevented the slaying of more innocents. She was critical in stopping a serial murderer-in-the-making.”
    She looked at me, “I know you believe you failed Paul, but I can assure you that you did not. He saw both paths after his death, and was pleased that his family was given closure, that seven people whose destiny was not to be murdered were spared, and that he was cleared of all wrong doing. All of this was possible because of you, Lauren.” I looked into Rewsna’s face as she said this and understood just how truly profound she was.
    Rewsna redirected her gaze from me back to Max, “The Beast studied Lauren, knew that her path in life was to alter destinies, not change them, but bend them to suit the needs of the souls. Paul would have died in vain had she not involved herself. Because of his death, his sacrifice allowed others to live. The Beast has plans, plans that he does not want Lauren to prevent. He knew of her gifts, but he grossly underestimated her strength.”
    Max cut in, “So this Beast is still out there? Lauren said he could come for her again.”
    “Yes to both. He is unable to see her remotely. If he could have, I believe he would have killed her at the nursing home. He did send a creature to locate her, but Lauren fought it off very quickly.”
    Max flashed a disturbed look at me – I could see that he believed I had hid information from him. Rewsna continued her explanation with, “I think that creature simply used process of elimination. It must have followed someone to the nursing home that had visited her. It tried to attack Lauren but she only saw a flash of light – it was never able to possess her.”
    Less angry but still intrigued, Max asked, “Possess her? This thing wasn’t the same thing that attacked her on the mountain, it was something else? So that monster isn’t a threat to her anymore?”
    Rewsna’s eyes went wide at the conclusion Max had drawn. “Of course he is still a threat; he just hasn’t found her yet. He will eventually be bold enough to come back when her guard is lowered. He knows to watch for you and for her family, believing one will lead him directly to Lauren.” Rewsna paused for a minute looking all around us, then asked, “Where is Missy?”
    Until Rewsna asked, it hadn’t occurred to me that Max’s Labrador Retriever wasn’t on the farm. Max looked down at the ground instead of directly at Rewsna when he answered. “She got real sick while I was gone, and she had to be put down.”
    Rewsna reached across the table and patted his hand, “I am sorry for your loss, but you need to get a new dog.”
    Max answered that he would, but Rewsna interrupted, “No, you do not understand. The Beast is able to shift his shape to any animal but a dog. Dogs are far too loyal of an animal, and the Beast cannot fool one if he were to come here in human form. A dog is the best protection from the Beast. It cannot conceal its identity from a canine. Dogs are also known for fighting to the death for their owners. Get a dog that will protect you both.”
    “So you are suggesting we just wait here for it to eventually find Lauren and a dog will protect us?” He was livid at the absurdity of the suggestion.
    Rewsna shook her head, “No, I do not believe you should wait, but what I believe will only enrage you further. I

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