Daddy's Boy

Free Daddy's Boy by Samantha Grady

Book: Daddy's Boy by Samantha Grady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grady
off his bottom lip, I gave Jonah a hard look. “Watch your mouth Jonah or I’ll hit you again.”
    “You better get use to hitting me then because I don’t like her. She fucked you up brother. You were an asshole following in Vinnie’s footsteps before she came along. You fell in love or whatever the fuck you call it and you stopped being an asshole. Then she pissed off and you turned into a reckless asshole whose daily needs are get drunk and get fucked.”
    Jesus Jonah really did want to get hit again. Fuck no I wasn’t going here with him. Not now, not ever. “If you’re not going to help me find Jack leave and stop wasting my time.” 
    Jonah looked at me like he’d just seen a ghost. Maybe he had. Maybe my fears were finally coming true and I really was turning into Vinnie.
    Running a hand through his blonde hair Jonah let out a long sigh. “Jack’s a cop right? Rachel goes to the police station reports him missing, they deal with it, job done.”
    “Yeah we’ll do that.” I said not liking that plan at all, but needing to get away from Jonah I took it and ran.
    Driving to the coffee shop to get Rachel I almost crashed when Vinnie’s eyes popped into my head followed by his voice. Running won’t help you Denny, unless you can find away to run from the blood flowing in your veins. Seeing Vinnie and now hearing Vinnie’s voice was two shades past crazy, something had to give or I was going to lose it.

Chapter 7
    The evening air was cool against my bare arms; Colorado was already turning to spring temperatures even though it was only the beginning of March. The night manager had taken over from me so all I had left to do was pick Lucca up from Emma’s. I was in the back, behind the coffee shop walking towards my car when Denny calling my name pierced the air.
    Turning around I watched Denny jog up to me. “What are you doing here?”
    “Nice to see you too.” Denny said flatly.
    “That came out wrong. I meant why are you here?” That really didn’t sound better either.
    “When’s the last time you talked to your dad?”
    “Odd question Denny. But um, last week at the coffee shop I think, why?”
    “And you haven’t talked to him since?”
    “No.” I said starting to feel an uneasy sensation in my stomach. “Is something wrong?”
    “I’ve been trying to get a hold of him all week but can’t.” Denny said using his lie voice.
    “Why have you been trying to get a hold of my dad?”
    “Not the point, I think your dad might be missing.”
    My heart stopped for half a second before speeding up in a fear induced rhythm. Staring at Denny I noticed the hard line of his lips and the slight twitch in his jaw, something he only did when seriously stressed out. Taking my cell out I hit speed dial for my dad’s phone.
    “He’s not picking up.” I said after listening to the dial tone for over a minute.
    “If he wasn’t at home where would he be?”
    “Let’s go to his work then.” Denny said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my car.
    “I need to get Lucca before we go to the station.” I said following after him like a lost puppy.
    “Fine.” Denny said opening the door for me. “Lucca, then the station.”
    Denny was really worried about my dad and considering how much I knew Denny hated my dad his behavior was scaring the shit out of me.
    “You’re really going to go into a police station?” I asked as Denny drove towards the babysitter’s house.
    “I’m not working for a drug lord anymore, I should be fine.”
    It was weird to think that Denny no longer worked for Vinnie. But my God was it good. Every time Denny would come back from seeing Vinnie while we were together he would come back a little more broken. Vinnie had a way of getting under Denny’s skin. I wonder how Denny was dealing with Vinnie’s death after being emotional and sometimes physically abused by him for so long? Was he feeling grateful? No I didn’t think so, Denny looked like

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