The Scale (Martha's Way)

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Book: The Scale (Martha's Way) by Mika Jolie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mika Jolie
    “I have to go. I need my clothes.”
    He must have heard the regret in her voice because he pulled
himself slowly away from her, leaving Minka feeling surprisingly empty.
    “You don’t have a boyfriend or fiancé back home, do you?”
    She almost laughed at the absurdity of the question. But
when she glanced at his face, there was not one hint of amusement.
    “What difference does it make?”
    “I don’t sleep with taken women.”
    Slept, she thought. What they did was the past. She had no
intention to ever repeat such madness again.
    Nonetheless, she didn’t correct him.
    Minka rolled her eyes. “I find that hard to believe. Based
on last night’s display you seem to be the man-about-town.”
    He chuckled. “My reputation exaggerates.”
    Yeah, she didn’t believe him for a second. In any case,
Minka was in no mood to spend one more second disputing her dating status with
Jason. “Well, you’re in luck. I fall in the neither category.”
    She jumped off the bed, yanking the sheet along with her,
shielding her body from his view but only to expose every inch of him. Lean, well- defined muscles everywhere.
    With all of her willpower, she tried desperately not to
look. He was obviously on the arrogant side and looking would only satisfy his
already overblown ego. That was the last thing she wanted to do.
    She looked.
    Damn! Not only did she look, she gawked and took in all of
his glory.
    She heard him chuckle and realized she was still staring,
possibly drooling at the sight of his nakedness.
    “You sure you want to miss out on all of this?”
    The man was a conceited, pompous ass! “I’m sure.”
    He chuckled again, obviously not buying her answer.
    She turned on her heels and pulled the sheet tightly over
her. “I need my clothes.”
    “They’re in the closet.”
    “You put my clothes in the closet?” She was somewhat
surprised that he found the time and energy to do that.
    “Where else was I supposed to put them?”
    She stared blankly at him.
    “You seemed the neat type.”
    Great, she was already classified. Minka opened the door to
the large closet and escaped.   She
needed a few minutes to think.
    Jason was still smiling when she reentered the room, fully
dressed, but without her bra. All of her belongings had been neatly placed in
the closet with the exception of her bra.
    “Can you put some clothes on?”
    “I’m comfortable.”
    “I’m not.”
    “Why aren’t you comfortable with my nudity?”
    It’s not just your
nudity that I’m not comfortable with.
    As a distraction to hide the unsettling feeling inside, she
sucked in a deep breath and walked across the room to retrieve what appeared to
be her bra.
      “I like your
name. Minka,” he said from the bed. “It’s different.”
    “I’ll be sure to pass the compliment on to my parents.
Please put some clothes on.”
    Jason laughed off her obvious discomfort. “Come back to bed,
darling. I can call Blake and let him know you’ll be late.”
    She stood there watching him. Her lips drawn, her eyes
    “And Minka, did you like the sex?”
He waved a long finger in the air. “Ah, don’t lie.”
    “I was drunk. You took advantage. Please put some clothes
    “I never take advantage of a woman. And you weren’t drunk.” He
patted the empty space on the bed next to him. “So how did we compare to your
college make-out session?”
    The man was impossibly conceited. Did he really need to hear
that was the best sex she’s ever had? Walking past the bed, she murmured, “I
have to go.”
    But damn it, he was coming to his feet, off the bed, in all his
glory. Don’t look! Once again, she
failed. She looked at his wide shoulders, his tattoos, his flat abdomen, and… Seriously,
she needed to stop gawking as if she had never seen a beautiful naked body
before. Well, she hadn’t but she didn’t have to make it so obvious.
    Minka caught her breath as he came to stand very close to

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