The Devil's Beating His Wife
balance, and to my embarrassment, I stumbled towards her. She grabbed me around my hips and looked into my eyes. She lifted a finger to her lips and took my hand into hers.
    Right there, not more than a stone's throw from my brother's house, we stood in the darkness and looked at each other. She lifted her hand and sunk her fingers deep into my hair. Abandoning thoughts of rejoining the others, I welcomed the softness of her warm touch. There was no rejection here, only acceptance.
    Mary-Alice lifted her finger to her mouth again. She tugged at my hand and led me back to the barn. When we stepped through the doors, I shuffled away from her and returned to my seat on the hay. I rubbed my hands over my eyes, fearing that I was about to make a bad decision.
    She sauntered over to me and sat down beside me. Her fingers clasped my weakened thigh. This time, I didn't push her away. She gave me a shy look and then began to press her fingers deep into the tortured muscle. I groaned with pleasure as she kneaded away a particular painful spasm.
    "Does it hurt a lot?" Her eyes were lowered, focused entirely on her task.
    I stared down at her. Her red bottom lip was captured between her teeth. I looked lower and caught sight of the hollow between her breasts. She glanced up at me and then followed the direction of my gaze. Without saying a word, she moved towards me and placed her mouth against mine.
    The softness of her lips was surprising. The feel of her smooth skin quite refreshing. I looked over her features and took note of her small nose and big eyes. Then I closed my eyes and allowed my fingers to roam over her body.
    Just at that moment, the scent of honeysuckle filled my nose. In my mind, the woman with me didn't have light brown hair and pale gray eyes. No. My dream lover had rich brown skin. Tightly coiled black hair and dark eyes. Her lips were fuller. Her nose broader.
    The kiss turned harder. More desperate. I wrapped my arms around her waist, turned our bodies, and placed her beneath me. I kept my eyes tightly closed as I kissed her neck and inhaled the sweetness of her skin. A hint of honeysuckle spurred me to raise the skirt of her dress around her waist. I planted myself firmly between her thighs and waited for her next move.
    She welcomed me. Her arms wrapped firmly around my shoulders. Her legs fell open, allowing me access. I pulled down her drawers and let my fingers comb through the fine curls there. I had to tell myself what I felt was actually coarser than what I encountered. I had to tell myself that the woman beneath me was my Spicey. Not my sister-in-law.
    She fumbled at my zipper and released my dick from my pants. I could hear her heavy breathing as she guided me into her wet pussy. I shoved her hands away as I pushed deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around me, causing me to sink deeper into her.
    My thrusts were uncontrollable. She wanted to touch me, but I didn't allow her to. I kept her hands pinned to her sides as I hammered into her. Just as my body neared completion, I could feel Mary-Alice lurch under me as if she wanted to buck me off. Right before I came, I pulled from her body and spent myself into the golden hay beside her leg. A name slipped from my lips.
    "You're such an ass," she said, slamming her fist into my stomach.
    I doubled over from the impact. My body reeled as pleasure shifted to pain. I opened my eyes and looked down into the pissed-off face of Mary-Alice.
    "I hate you," she said, pounding her fists into me.
    Groaning loudly, I rolled off her and stood up. I shoved my shirt back into my pants as she laid curses onto my head.
    "I'm telling Carver," she said, pushing herself up from the hay.
    Those words chilled me. The shallow glow faded from my body. I bent forward and wrapped my hands around her throat. Applying a bit of pressure, I waited for her eyes to widen with shock before I said, "You will do no such thing."
    Her eyes filled with tears. "I hate you."
    "We've already

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